سورة النساء

Surah Name: An-Nis'aa Meaning: The Women

Key Points

  • Revealed at Madinah
  • The evolution of a society is based upon the determination of rights and duties. It is the responsibility of the ruler or the State to ensure compliance by the people and to punish the negligent. Since the duty of one is the right of another, any failure in the performance will surely lead to the extortion of people's rights. This is the basic concept of every social system though we may not like its particular manner of determination of duties. Islam far surpasses others in this regard. It begins by fixing the rights and duties of people. It reminds the State of its responsibilities. It goes still further and makes an individual stand before Allaah-SWT, and motivates him to perform his duties to gain His-SWT Pleasure, He, Whose-SWT Providence he enjoys every moment and Who-SWT knows him inside out; Whose-SWT Nearness is his destination; Whose-SWT Pleasure is his aim of life; and Whose-SWT Grace is his ambition and desire. Abiding by the rules and regulations is one thing, and feelings of the Qalb is another. Spending on parents, wives, children and orphans is a noble act; but emotions, such as respect, love, kindness, cannot be measured by any scale, nor can be commanded. Therefore, the reward for such noble feelings will be Allaah-SWT's Pleasure. Since this Surah deals especially with the rights of women, it has been named An-Nis'aa.
  • Total Number of Ruku / Sections 24
  • Total Number of Ayat / Parts 176
  • Surah / Chapter number 4
  • Ruku / Section 4 contains Ayat / Parts 3
  • Siparah/ Volume 4, 5 & 6

    Surah An-Nis'aa Ruku 4

Asrar-At-Tanzil Urdu Tafseer

U Asrar at Tanzil Surah 4 4

Urdu Tafseer - Akram-at-Tafasir

Surah-4, Ruku-4, Ayat-23:25

Punjabi Tafseer - Rubb Deeyan Gullaan

Surah-4, Ruku-4, Ayat-23:25

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