Jihad Enjoined
In these Ayah is a direct Command given to the Holy Prophet-SW for Jihad against the non believers and the hypocrites. This means that a Muslim ruler or Government must never neglect their obligation towards Jihad, for who can be exempted when the Holy Prophet-SW himself is being commanded to it. Islam enjoins Jihad instead of war. Obviously, when the infidels wage a war, fighting them back will be Jihad. However, where the Muslims are very few in number and cannot possibly fight, for them both verbal and practical propagation of Islam will be Jihad.
Those who think that although Islam has enjoined Jihad yet it is very difficult for the believers to fight on all fronts particularly where they are in minority have certainly overlooked the spirit behind it. Jihad indeed is synonymous to striving for the prevalence of piety. If the need arises to fight on the battlefield, it will be Jihad, whereas speaking against evil will also be Jihad as per circumstances. Obviously, a hypocrite cannot be fought against as he, too, claims to be a believer and outwardly practises Islam. Therefore, in such condition Jihad will be undertaken by preaching him piety and sincerity. This opinion is supported by almost all the Commentators.
And Jihad must be undertaken fiercely without showing any clemency. It is an established fact that conflicts cannot be won with leniency. However, Islam has given out principles and has imposed certain limitations, within which there is no room for any compromise or softness. Likewise, the hypocrites will also be compelled, to the extent of using force, to follow the Shari'ah. Strictness is the opposite of leniency which does not mean harsh words or narrow-mindedness. Rather, it means that the infidels will be dealt with according to the rules of Jihad, And there will be no leniency extended towards the hypocrites who profess Islam, in making them practise Shari'ah.
Duties of a Muslim Ruler
It is proven here that to make people abide by the laws of Shari'ah is the duty of a Muslim ruler. Similarly, it is enjoined upon a scholar or a saint who is popular enough that people listen to him, to emphasize that Islam must be practised. However, if the non believers and the hypocrites do not mend their ways and die as such, they will certainly be condemned td Hell, a morbid place indeed.
Although the hypocrites swear of their innocence yet they utter words of disbelief. They were in the habit of criticizing the articles of faith and used to find faults in the practices of Islam just as has become a fashion today. But whenever the matter was referred to the Holy Prophet-SW or the believers reacted, they simply denied their stance and would swear upon Allaah-SWT . So He-SWT declares that these hypocrites are not only liars but have also turned disbelievers because of the words the speak. Though they had formally accepted Islam, yet they were unfortunate enough to revert to disbelief. It proves that a mere declaration of faith has no value until it is endorsed by the heart. Such a person may profess to be a believer before the people but with Allaah-SWT he is not. And this uncertainty of the heart is indeed hypocricy, which makes the tongue utter blasphemy. Besides, a hypocrite strives only for worldly gains but ultimately ends up as a loser even in this game
The Commentators quote many specific incidents with reference to the revelation of these Ayat. However, the orders contained herein are general and for all times to come. Allaah-SWT declares that the hypocrites had equally enjoyed all the basic rights with the believers on embracing Islam, which were given to them by Allaah-SWT and His-SWT Prophet-SW. Is this how they show their gratitude? Instead of being obliged over what they have received, these wicked people resort to thanklessness. However, like all other erring factions the cure for them also lies in repentance. Though their crime is grave, yet if they beg forgiveness it would certainly be good for them, as repentance can absolve a person of all sins. Still if they fail to do so they are destined to doom both here and in the Hereafter. No living soul on this earth shall be able to help them in any way, for when Allah-SWT's Wrath strikes, the condemned is automatically left alone and helpless.
Amongst the hypocrites are some who had promised Allaah-SWT and prayed that if He-SWT made them affluent they would show their gratitude by fulfilling their duties towards others and spending for the welfare of His-SWT people. But as soon as they acquired riches they went back on their word, to the extent that instead of giving charity they resorted to niggardliness and even began to usurp the rights of others. Although this refers to a specific event yet the message is general and for everyone. Even today people who are favoured with power and wealth from Allaah-SWT not only fail to fulfil their duties towards His-SWT people but also begin to encroach upon their rights.
Some Sins deprive the Sinner of the Capacity to Repent
Breaching a promise made to Allaah-SWT is such an awful crime that it deprives a person of the capacity to repent and hypocricy is driven deep into his heart until the Day of Reckoning. In the same ignominious state shall such people be presented before Allaah-SWT . This is the punishment for their mendacity and breach of promise made to Allaah-SWT . The embracing of Islam and the claim of being a Muslim is an extremely valuable asset, after which it is totally absurd to adopt the conduct of infidels. Further, if it is complemented with the assumption that one has succeeded in deceiving the believers, the gravity of this crime magnifies manifold and deprives one of the capacity to repent. This is Allah-SWT's Personal decision, for He-SWT is well Aware of both the hidden and the manifest.
They also ridicule the believers who spend in Allaah-SWT ’s Cause, both the affluent who spend whole heartedly and the poor who going out of way spend from their meagre earnings. The hypocrites accuse the former of pretence and to the latter of the inadequacy of their spending, which they say, is of no consequence before Allaah-SWT . The real motive behind such comments is only to ridicule the believers.
To Ridicule the Pious is Serious Crime
To ridicule noble people is such a serious offence that because of it these mockers themselves are mocked by the fate. This is because they apparently believe that they are reaping benefits, while in reality they will be put to a painful doom. Deriding the followers of the Holy Prophet-SW is indeed an insult to the Prophethood and the punishment for it is so inevitable that it cannot be averted even by the intercession of the Holy Prophet-SW, no matter how many times he-SW prays for such offenders. This is because they have disbelieved in Allaah-SWT and His-SWT Prophet-SW Allaah-SWT does not bless such malefactors with guidance, a punishment for deriding the believers. As mentioned earlier, even the capacity to repent is denied to them. History bears witness that men who fought the Holy Prophet-SW on the battlefield were pardoned upon repenting and some of them later proved to be outstanding generals of Islam, such as Hadhrat Khalid bin Waleed-RAU. However, those who ridiculed him-SW or were guilty of insults died as non believers and were condemned to Hell for ever. Likewise, today those who revile and ridicule his Companions-RAU or his wives-RAU or his followers are liable to the same punishment in the light of these Ayat. And it has also been seen that they are not given the capacity to repent. So grave is their crime that even if the Holy Prophet-SW out of his-SW graciousness prays for the hypocrites, Allaah-SWT shall not forgive them as happened in the case of Ibn Ubbay, the leader of hypocrites. The Holy Prophet-SW had donated his-SW own shirt for his coffin and also lead the funeral Salat to commiserate with his son who was a devoted Muslim. Witnessing this generous treatment, many people embraced Islam. Nevertheless, the Holy Prophet-SW was forbidden to ever pray for a hypocrite again.
Thus it became a law that to pray for a non believer on his death is forbidden. Also, the hypocrites who not only abuse and slander the Companions-RAU but also deem it as a religious duty to do so, do not qualify for any clemency Their funeral Salat or praying for their emancipation is not allowed.
When the Holy Prophet-SW intended to offer ibn-e-Ubby's funeral Salat, Hadhrat Umar-RAU pleaded to him--SW not to do so. He-SW said: "Allaah-SWT has not forbidden me from it, though He-SWT has said that He-SWT shall not forgive whether I pray or not. I have, therefore, the option to pray and I shall exercise it while the result is upto Him-SWT . Later, Allaah-SWT completely forbade the Holy Prophet-SW and this also was one of the Decrees handed down on the suggestion of Hadhrat 'Umar-RAU.