Stupendous indeed is the loss, which is borne by all who deny their return to Allah-SWT . This is the very reality for which Allah-SWT sent His-SWT Books and Messengers-AS .He-SWT provided loads of logical and historical evidence, and adopted so many different ways to convince man. In the history of mankind if selection is made on the basis of greatness, nobility, trustworthiness and truthfulness, those on the top of the list will only be Allah-SWT's Messengers"-AS . All of them came to prove the Greatness of Allah-SWT and tried their level best to make man understand logically and with the help of miracles. If after all their efforts people refuse to believe in their words, their denial cannot alter the reality The Day of Judgement will certainly be. But those who believe shall wait for that Day and will bear it in mind before undertaking any activity of their lives. And for them who do not believe in this Day, it will be an unexpected and sudden shock. They will then realize that it was a serious and grave matter that they had grossly neglected and thus had become losers. As an infidel it is impossible to do noble deeds and on the Day of Judgment every deed shall be given a certain form, just as in today's scientific world each sound has a form which is recorded on the tape and when played on a Video Cassette Player the picture, the movements and the sound can be seen and heard clearly. A similar rather superior form will be experienced over there when every sin will take a horrifying shape, and will have to be carried by the sinner to the venue of accountability. And the noble deeds will take the shape of beautiful carriages and will carry the person gracefully. It is then that the wrongdoers will realize what a grave mistake had they made by burdening themselves with such a loathsome load.
The World
This worldly life is nothing but a place of temporary play and pleasure. But for those who develop a relationship with Allah-SWT and obey Him-SWT , the eternal life is the best life, which the infidels have sacrificed over temporary pleasures. The term 'worldly life' here means that attitude towards life which makes people heedless of Allah-SWT . Otherwise, the eternal bliss can also be attained, as one can act neither in the Realm of Command, nor can he do anything after leaving this very world. One can neither act in the “ Alam-e-Amr before being born nor can do anything after leaving this world. If this life is adorned with Allah-SWT's Zikr and is led according to the teachings of the Holy Prophet-SW the whole of it becomes Zikr. When a person keeps the Hereafter in mind and acts accordingly in this world, his life no more remains an idle sport. Such a person abides in this world but lives for the Hereafter. This is not an easy task unless the heart accepts it. Words alone are not enough. Thus whenever the Prophets-AS teach the Book and the wisdom they always start by inviting people towards Allaah-SWT and then inwardly purify those who accept their invitation to an extent where by the love of this world is outweighed by the love of eternity, and the love for temporary pleasures is subdued by Allah-SWT's Love. Then the believers are taught the Divine Book and its deep meaning i.e. the wisdom, which constitute a Code of Conduct to live in this world. Such a life is a blessing and one must pray for its longevity, whereas the life without Divine Guidance is indeed a great loss. A person with average intelligence can also understand that it is extremely foolish to prefer temporary and ephemeral pleasure over eternal peace and comforts.
In these Ayat, the exultation of the Holy Prophet-SW is mentioned in a special way. Although Allaah-SWT is Aware of everything, yet when it is specifically said: "We are Aware of it," it highlights the importance of the matter. ‘O" Beloved of Mine! We are Aware of the grief you endure by the babble of these infidels but you must also see that they not only falsify you but indeed deny My Scriptures out of pigheadedness. They are well aware of the fact that they are denying the truth but for some mundane benefits or to satisfy their ego. they deny. Such a denial is called Jahood when the heart knows something to be true but outwardly it is not accepted.
Here the Commentators quote the conversation between Abu Jahl and Akhnas bin Sharif, who asked the former in confidence whether Muhammad-SW was a genuine Prophet"-SW. Abu Jahl swore that he was undoubtedly so because a person who had never lied about another human being in his whole life, could never lie over Allah-SWT ! "But the problem is that if we accept it, everything will shift to Banu Qasa leaving us empty handed," he said.
Another aspect of the matter is that the obedience of the Holy Prophet'’-SW is indeed Allah-SWT's obedience. Therefore, denying his Prophethood shall amount to denying Allaah-SWT . It is not the first time, as the Prophets-AS’ before him also received similar treatment. So there is no way out but to endure it and be patient just as the earlier Prophets-AS did. Allaah-SWT reassures the Holy Prophet"-SW that just as the Prophets-AS before him-SW received Divine succour, he-SW would also be helped, as no one can alter the decisions of Allaah-SWT nor hinder their implementation. The events from the lives of some earlier Prophets"-AS have been revealed to highlight the fact that Allaah-SWT gives every human being a chance to select his own fate, including those who deny. Every person undergoes a trial just as the believers had to. Eventually the non-believers would get their share of destruction while success surely awaits the believers.
The inevitable fate of the non-believers saddened the Holy Prophet"-SW and he-SW wished that if only they could be saved! See the extent of his-SW affection that they harass him-SW while he is so deeply concerned for them! Allaah-SWT says that man is a sentient being, blessed with intellect and consciousness. Allaah-SWT also raised an exalted personality like the Holy Prophet-SW as a Prophet-AS with the Divine Scripture. Even now if anyone opts for the doom, it is his personal decision for which the Holy Prophet-SW need not be perturbed. Still if he-SW intends to do something for them without Allah-SWT's consent then he should either dig a tunnel into the earth or place a ladder upto the skies in an effort to fulfill their demands.
The polytheists of Makkah had demanded that if the Holy Prophet"-SAAW was truly Allah-SWT's Messenger-SW, he should bring a canal into Makkah or provide a stairway upto the heavens so that they could witness the descent of angels etc. The Holy Prophet'’-SW covertly wished that if this could save them from destruction, may Allaah-SWT meet this demand! Allaah-SWT revealed to him not to worry about it as miracles of the Prophets""-AS are in fact Divine works manifested at the hands of the Prophets""-AS . It is termed as miracle because it is an extraordinary manifestation beyond human intellect, displayed only to provide substantial evidence of the Prophethood. Similar is the case of Karamah manifested at the hands of a Wali because of his total obedience to the Prophets–-AS. It will also be counted among the Prophet-AS‘s miracles. Moreover, miracle is an act of Allaah-SWT manifested to strengthen and establish the truth. Only Allaah-SWT knows the people who deserve it.
The end results are always based on the individual decision consciously made by every person. If it is in the negative, the miracle too will be denied. It is a Divine Law that when a nation demands a certain miracle and fails to believe even after it is manifested, it is instantly destroyed. Therefore, not sending miracle is a blessing in disguise because of the Holy Prophet-SW in order to give the non-believers a respite. Hence O' Prophet-SW: do not think so naively! The word Jahalat does not convey a good impression in Urdu, but in Arabic it is also taken in the sense of being innocent or naive. And it is used because of the concern the Holy Prophet-SW’ had deep in his-SW heart for the infidels. It must be remembered that he never took any action nor prayed for them verbally, but only wished that the disobedient revert to Him-SWT to be saved. Allaah-SWT declared that had He-SWT planned to make everyone righteous, forcibly or by His-SWT Command, it was not at all difficult for Him-SWT . But this is not the case as it is a decision personally taken by each individual. To accept the truth, it has to be first heard, but the darkness of the hearts does not even allow them to listen whereby a person lives on physically but is spiritually dead. And the dead will be raised from their graves and presented before Allaah-SWT on a Day predestined.
They assert today as to why their demand for miracles has not been met? So tell them that Allah-SWT is the Most Powerful and can do whatever and whenever He-SWT desires. He-SWT is in fact being Gracious by not meeting their demands as they are ignorant of the consequences.
Isn't this a clear Sign of His-SWT Power that His-SWT creations, whether living on land or flying in the air have so many types and species. They, also eat, have offsprings and build their abodes. They may appear to be unlimited but remember that the minutest detail of each living thing is listed in Allah-SWT's Records. His-SWT Knowledge is, however, much vaster. If even after looking at these creations man fails to appreciate His-SWT Greatness and Splendour, he does not deserve to be called a man.
The Importance of Rights
Remember that all these creations will also be gathered in Allah-SWT's Presence. It is very strange because the animals are not accountable and will not be held for the lawful and the forbidden. Yet if one had hurt the other, it shall be punished and eventually all of them will fade into extinction. How can then the rights of human beings be ignored? Those who usurp the wealth of others, accept bribes and dishonour people, or those who do not do justice to their jobs, cannot be saved from punishment, for man is a sentient being liable to accountability.
Why Allah-SWT's Greatness is not Seen?
People who deny the Signs of Allah-SWT have lost their power to hear and speak, and indeed abide in the darkness! The physical ears or tongue have been given even to the animals but the most precious faculty which a man is blessed with is his heart. When illuminated it can hear and speak. Deprived of light and surrounded by darkness the heart loses these powers and remains bereft of guidance. However, if Allah-SWT chooses, He-SWT has the power to guide them to the straight path but He-SWT has taken the decision to guide only the seeker and not force it on anyone. The Holy Prophet'-SW must ask the non-believers that if they are seized by Divine Punishment or doom, will they call anyone else except Allah-SWT ? It is an everyday observation that when a human being is surrounded with difficulties he only cries for Allah-SWT . This was true for the Arabs as well. It is said that had these people been true in their beliefs they would have, in their turmoils, called out for the deities they worshipped instead of Allaah-SWT . But they did not do so. Rather they forget their gods altogether, whom they had given the Divine status. It is so because deep down in their hearts they knew that only Allaah-SWT could alleviate their sufferings. This, is a fact which is engraved on everyone's heart, liven a polytheist when faced by an unexpected calamity forgets his visionary gods and cries out to Allaah-SWT .