Allah-SWT has revealed the Qurān replete with blessings. The era of all the preceding Scriptures is over. Though they are not to be denied being Divine Revelations, yet they will no longer be practised. Now the blessings can be received only by following the Qurān. The believers must appreciate the Greatness of Allaah-SWT so as to receive His-SWT Mercy and Forgiveness. Now they can not say that the Divine Books had only been revealed unto the Jews and the Christians, which were beyond their comprehension because of the language or interpolation. Nor can they say that if only they were blessed with a Divine Book they would rightfully follow it. For Allah-SWT's Revelation, full of logic and clarity, with correct answers to all possible questions of life, has been sent unto them and is a major source of attaining Allah-SWT's Favours.
It validates its own self and has guidance for the entire mankind through all Ages to come. And it is a treasure of Divine Mercy. Now whoever turns away from this Book is indeed the worst kind of transgressor. Beware that all those who are denying it are only planning for their own destruction and will soon be seized by a terrible doom. May Allaah-SWT protect us!
The Finality of Prophethood
The raising of Prophet Muhammad-SW and the Revelation of the Qurān carry so many Signs that there is no room for any new evidence. The unfortunate people who still waver may be waiting for the Day of Judgement. In other words, from the raising of the Holy Prophet-SW until the Last Day no other Prophet-AS or Divine Book shall be sent. Those who fail to believe in him-SW
will either witness the angels--AS and the secrets of Barzakh at the hour of death or on the Day of Resurrection, when Paradise and Hell will be brought nigh and the Almighty Allah-SWT will manifest Himself. If the non believers decide to believe at this juncture it would be of no avail. No one can dare to refute when all the realities will be laid bare under everyone's observation. It was in this world that they, using their intellect and wisdom, should have opted for the obedience of Allah-SWT and His-SWT Prophet-SW, by placing full trust in the Message conveyed by the latter. Now that the death has lifted the veils and mankind has reached the site of Resurrection, there is no room for repudiation. We believe that Allah-SWT will reveal Himself on that Day; but how, is beyond our comprehension. Having faith in this fact is imperative while any argument in its nature is forbidden.
It is also clear that the time to repent is over once the Hereafter is revealed or some of its Signs are manifested in this world. Among these is the rising of the sun from the West. When the cycle of the systems of the Universe will be reversed and the door to repentance closed. The Holy Prophet-SW has recounted a number of symbolic events which will appear before the Doomsday. However, once the sun rises from the West, the door to repentance would be closed forever. Only that faith will be of any avail, which is embraced before the sun rises from the West; and only those righteous deeds will be acceptable, which are done before this event. Because if after witnessing the Signs someone accepts the faith, it is not out of his trust in the Holy Prophet-SW but because what he sees, leaves no room for denial. The same rules apply once the shadows of death overtake a person. So O' Prophet-SW! Tell the non believers to wait, while you-SW
are also waiting. The magnanimity of your-SW
Message and the consequences of their denial will be manifest when the Appointed Hour is struck!
It was revealed to the Holy Prophet-SW that people who had split into groups in the matter of Dīn were none of his-SW
concern. The clearest examples are the Jews, the Christians and the polytheists who invented rituals and gave these the religious sanctity. Since these rituals were based on human choice which obviously varies from person to person, so the like minded got together to form religious groups. All such factions were far removed from the true religion, and therefore, the Holy Prophet-SW had nothing to do with them. The Qurān uses the word Shi'ah for such misguided groups. It is, therefore, not proper to assume that Hadhrat Ali-RAU had created such a group and named it Shi'an-e-'Ali.
The Agony of Bid'ah
This is not only true of the nations gone by but also for the Muslims, who concoct and opt to follow their own opinions concerning the fundamentals of Islam, contrary to the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet-SW and the practice of the Companions-RAU. In a lesser degree are those who practise Bid'ah in the hope of earning reward. All such Bid'atis form groups far away from guidance and as a result are deprived of the Holy Prophet-SW’s affection. It is indeed such an agony that nothing worse can even be imagined. However, in the interpretation of Divine Injunctions within the frame work of Shari'ah, a sincere difference of opinion is a blessing, because due to such discourse, an Injunction is highlighted for practical purposes. But to discard the opinion of our pious precursors for ulterior motives in order to attain fame or funds is indeed futile and amounts to deprivation. Those who do so are accursed by the Holy Prophet-SW, Allaah-SWT shall deal with such people directly when they face Him-SWT , with their sheet of conduct exposed.
Yet, His-SWT Mercy is so vast that for every good the reward is at least ten times greater or even more, as much as He-SWT pleases. It must be noted that every action taken in obedience to the Holy Prophet-SW is a noble act, be it a personal, domestic, social, national or an international issue. To prove its merit, it must be endorsed by the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet-SW. Only then will it earn a reward ten times greater. And the sinner will get a punishment proportionate to his crime. No one will be wronged whereby his virtue goes unrewarded or an evil is requited disproportionately.
O' Prophet-SW! Tell the people that Allaah-SWT has guided you to the straight path by revealing the best way of leading the life. From the beliefs to the practices of life right until death, He-SWT has imparted the most appropriate way of doing things, as expected of Him-SWT as the Rabb. Life is a combination of the physical body and the Rūh. A human being applies his mind and intellect in order to maintain his existence, but Rūh is neither visible nor discernable. Thus it is quite possible, that while fulfilling the needs of the physical body, one ends up destroying the Rūh. Allaah-SWT is not only the Creator of our physical selves but also of the Rūh. The Code of Life revealed to the Holy Prophet-SW caters for the requirements of the physical body in such a beautiful manner that it automatically provides means for spiritual uplift. This is the most comprehensive and Allah-SWT's favourite Path, which was also the path of Prophet Ibrāhīm-AS. The term Millat-e-lbrahīm does not suggest the subordination of the Shari'ah of Prophet Muhammad-SW to that of Prophet Ibrahīm's-AS but reflects that the aim of both Prophets-AS was the same. The Shari’ah of Prophet Muhammad-SW aims at the same purpose for which Prophet Ibrahīm-AS struggled all his life. The Christians, the Jews and the polytheists of Arabia, who claim to be followers of Prophet Ibrahīm-AS are all liars, because he never indulged in polytheism and was amongst those who walked straight on the path of Allah-SWT .
O' Prophet-SW! Tell them that your-SW
physical and fiscal worship, your life and your-SW
death are all for Allah-SWT , Who-SWT is the Creator and the Owner of the entire universe. He-SWT provides for everyone and is the Maintainer of all; no one can ever be His-SWT partner in any way. No one can dare to speak before Him-SWT . And that you-SW
have been told to obey, and you-SW
are the first of the believers. You-SW
are also the first to receive the Divine Revelation. The world witnessed how on the entire face of earth a single soul ardently obeyed his Creator, and challenged the prevalent darkness of evil and disbelief, that its days had been numbered as he had been raised to enlighten the hearts of mankind with Divine Refulgence. Also in terms of spiritual states the Holy Prophet-SW the highest amongst the mankind and the level of faith he-SW
enjoys is only his lot. Chronologically also he-SW
is the first amongst the believers. Given this singular honour how could the Holy Prophet-SW look to anyone else for the fulfilment of his needs? Is it then possible that he may expect anything from anyone save Allah-SWT , whether out of hope or fear? Certainly not! For Allah-SWT is the Supreme Being while all the rest is His-SWT creation. He-SWT Alone is the Rabb of everyone; so how can anyone else be taken as the centre of all hopes?
And also remember that every sinner will be held accountable for his actions. The priests and the religious mentors, who assure people that they may do anything they like as they would intercede for them, are only beguiling them. They will never share their burden of sins nor can anyone share anyone's burden. The Jews and Christians enjoy this nonsense to date, in that their religious leaders charge fees for warding off their sins. Today this disease has even creped into the Muslims and the so called saints receive offerings from their disciples in return of approving their unlawful practices. But O' people! Do not forget that you will not be accountable before these saints in the Hereafter, but before Allah-SWT Who is so Powerful that He-SWT would bring forth your forgotten sins, as He-SWT knows everything that you have done. You will then realize what disputing in the matters of Dīn meant, whether such feuds are self fabricated or induced by your religious chieftains.
O' people! Don't you realise that you are not the first to inhabit this earth? There had been people before, whom you have succeeded. Allah-SWT has placed various categories in you. Some of you are lettered, others illiterate; some are servants while others are the rulers; and this classification is only a trial to see how you meet your responsibilities. Soon you too will have to leave only to be followed by another generation. This is the Master Plan of Allah-SWT , the Only Rabb-SWT , while all the rest are His-SWT creation.
Remember that if Allah-SWT plans to inflict punishment, it does not take him long to do so, but He-SWT is extremely Beneficent and Merciful and people must make use of the respite given to them. They must repent, so that He-SWT may overlook their sins, and obey Him-SWT so that He-SWT may shower His-SWT Mercy on them!