Prophets are Human
Islam, challenging the world of disbelief, called upon the entire mankind to believe in and obey the only true God. Thus most of the non-believers united against Islam except for some fortunates souls who were blessed with the light of faith and were delivered from the darkness of infidelity. The Jews from the very beginning, led the anti-Islam Movements. Even polytheists of Makkah would learn from the Jew scholars what objections to raise against the Holy Prophet-SW. For this purpose, these polytheists would frequently visit Madinah as majority of them lived there. The leader of these scholars lied to them that no human had ever been blessed with Divine Revelation. What he said was similar to what the ignorant assert, that a Prophet"-AS can never be a human being. Probably such people consider themselves or those around them as the standard of humanity, which is not correct. T he real criterion is the Prophet"-AS, while the acme of humanity is Prophet Muhammad-SW "s.
Creation liable to accountability can be classified into four groups, namely; the Angels, the Satan, the Jinn, and the humans. Obviously, there is no Prophethood amongst angels, nor is there evidence of it in the Jinn. Satan is total darkness. This honour has been conferred only upon mankind; yet every descendant of Prophet Adam"-AS does not qualify to be human. In fact, it is the extent of adherence to ways of the Holy Prophet"-SW, which decides the level of humanity. Thus a Prophet-AS is not only human but is the criterion for humanity! In response to the Jewish scholars' statement Allah-SWT asserts that if He did not reveal anything to human beings, where did the radiant and manifest Book of Guidance for people given to Prophet Musa-AS come from? Radiance and manifest guidance are two dominant qualities of all Divine Scriptures. They have the light by virtue of being Allah-SWT's Message to fight against the darkness of ignorance, and provide guidance on all matters of daily life. But all were valid in their own period and time. Believing in them as the Divine Scriptures is essential even today, but obedience is only for the Last Book and the Last Prophet-SW.
This Book, the Torah, opened the vistas of Divine Knowledges par excellence, which could not have been otherwise acquired by the Jews or their ancestors. Yet they were so unfortunate that they segmented the Book into pages. This means that whenever it served their purpose they would prove it by presenting the relevant page and what they did not like, for example, the portion pertaining to the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet-SW, they simply concealed it. People of such character were obviously unlikely to believe in what had been revealed unto the Holy Prophet"-SW. So let them know that Allah-SWT revealed their Book, look, upon one of His chosen servants, Prophet Musa-AS, who was a human being. After having given them such a logical explanation, the Holy Prophet-SW need not bother for what nonsense they may utter.
Following the Book against Justifying Own Practices
It becomes clear here that finding references from Allah-SWT's Book to serve personal interests is absurd. The purpose of the Divine Books is to impart guidance. If the actions are in accordance with the Book, one should thank Allah-SWT, and if not, one must mend his ways. To make improper interpretations of Divine Words only to justify one's practices is a serious misdoing. Allaah-SWT asserts that He-SWT has revealed a blessed Book, the Quran, which presents the most simple and practical solutions to all the problems of life, and is most pleasing to Allaah-SWT . It is indeed a trustee of truths revealed in the preceding Books. It does not alter the beliefs of Unity of Allah-SWT, the Prophethood, the temporal and the eternal life, and the punishments and rewards associated with each. It has been revealed to enable the Holy Prophet-SW to spread the Message to the people who live in the "Mother of Habitations" i.e. Makkah and in its surroundings. The city of Makkah marks the center of the earth, wherefrom it has been spread out and is thus the point of origin of all the subsequent habitations of mankind. People living in Makkah and to the farthest limits of earth must be informed of the possible risks in this life and in the Hereafter in time. Praise be to Allaah-SWT for such a great favour to mankind. The task of the Holy Prophet"-SW was truly formidable.
Validity of the Book
Those having some awareness of the Hereafter will at once accept his Message. They will sincerely embark upon Allah's obedience and offer Salat five times a day. Rather they will guard their Salat by avoiding such things, which may annoy Allaah-SWT or impede His-SWT Worship. The divinity of the Quran is also proved by the illustrious personality of the Holy Prophet-SW"s himself. He-SW, who had never made an incorrect statement about any human being, how could he make a false claim about Allah-SWT's Revelation? This certainly cannot be expected of him, because of his celebrated nobility, truthfulness and trustworthiness. Only a grave sinner and a wrong doer could do so, as there cannot be a more serious crime than fabricating lies about Allaah-SWT ! Those who claim that they too can produce a Scripture similar to that revealed by Allaah-SWT are the liars of the highest order. If only their inner and spiritual state is witnessed at the time when the Angels of Death approach, telling them to deliver their souls and be ready to face a shameful doom against lying about Allah-SWT, and for the arrogance demonstrated against His-SWT Commandments! It must be noted that the outward state of a dying person is not important, as sometimes even believers apparently experience momentary pangs, which in fact act as atonement for their mistakes. The inner and spiritual state has been mentioned here because the Prophets-AS are gifted with this vision and through it they receive the Scripture. Similarly the Aulia receive this power in proportion to their obedience and relationship with the Prophets-AS and on basis of their individual status.
They will be presented before Allah-SWT on the Day of Judgement and the truth will be revealed. They will be gathered before Him-SWT naked as when born and will be questioned as to where had their wealth and power, which had made them so arrogant gone? All those, to whom they had attached more importance than Allah-SWT , and had felt pride in being their slaves will not be there to intercede. That Day all ties of friendships would stand severed and the deities worshipped and their worshippers will be equally disgusted with each other. All the fabrications against the teachings of the Prophets-AS will be gone with the wind and nothing would be able to save them.