Covenants were taken by Allah-SWT from the preceding nations too. He-SWT has blessed human beings with consciousness and intellect. The latter is a power within the brain, which determines the needs of the physical body and finds the means of fulfilling them. The former is the power of the heart, by using it man can comprehend the Greatness of Allah-SWT in proportion to his own individual capacity. As far as the intellect, it has been given to every living thing, and we witness it at work in our daily lives. Consciousness is the quality of a human being alone. Like the rest of the living things, the intellect of a person guides him to the fulfillment of physiological drives and comforts of the world, but his consciousness tells him merely staying alive is not the prime goal of life. He becomes aware of the fact that his aim in life is different from that of the animals, and that all the other creations have been created to serve him. He realizes that he has to live in this world and benefit from its comforts but in a manner ordained by Allah-SWT . In this way the system of the world will run smoothly and his relationship with Allah-SWT will also become stronger.
For this purpose Allah-SWT had taken covenants from different nations through different times, and had also promised them rewards in return. Just as Allah-SWT took a promise from the Children of Israil; comprising twelve tribes, each headed by a chieftain responsible for the fulfillment of the Covenant on behalf of his tribe. This highlights the principle that a leader or a person who is respected and followed must try to educate people to the right path and help them to remain steadfast. It is his duty, whether he be a ruler, a religious scholar or a saint. Allah-SWT demanded a pledge of obedience from the Children of Israil and in return blessed them with the greatest blessing: Inni Ma'akum (I am with you). Although Allah-SWT is everywhere but such a company suggests nearness and companionship with pleasure and assent. Whether in personal and social or national affairs, this company of the Almighty is a great reward and the ultimate essence of Wilayah.
Mark that here the company of Allah-SWT is made conditional to the fulfillment of promise by man, and a failure on his part shall deprive him. This indeed is the reality of Wilayah, as the most illustrious Wali can maintain his position only until he is obedient to Allah-SWT . If he defaults, he will no more be a Wali. This is the crux of these Ayat that the Children of Israil, will be blessed with Allah-SWT's company provided they establish Salat. Probably the difference between offering Salat and establishing it is that the former is personal, while the latter involves the society. One's family members and all those who can be influenced must be persuaded to offer Salat. Such efforts will be listed under the establishment of Salat, which is obligatory to Wilayah. Secondly, they were instructed to pay Zakat, an obligation commonly neglected. The wealth and property on which Zakat is payable must be taken in full account and Zakat should not only be deducted but also delivered to the deserving. The amount deducted forcibly by the Government may be subtracted from the payable Zakat, though the duty of taking it to the deserving will then rest with the Government. The third condition laid down for the Bani Israil was to believe in all the Prophets-AS who will be sent unto them by Allah-SWT . They must not, upon witnessing the era of a new Prophet-AS, disbelieve in him and deny him lest they become non-believers. And the practical demonstration of faith in the Prophets-AS is to help them in their mission of reforming the society, in beliefs and in practice, according to one's capacity. It is indeed a formidable task entrusted to them. Mere claims of help without practice and the inability to motivate even one's own self amounts to negation of faith as well as the Prophets-AS. In addition to voluntary spending over and above the payment of Zakat, physical efforts for the promotion of Din is a part of helping the Prophets-AS.
These are the four basic conditions around which revolves the entire human life: the worships, the beliefs, the mutual dealings and the efforts for the reformation of the society. If the (Bani Israil) will pay heed to the above. Allaah-SWT personally will be with them. They may, however, find it difficult but if they are keen and if they spend their surplus wealth in Allah-SWT's Way, in acts of charity and service of Din, rather than on lavish living, Allah-SWT will overlook their follies committed out of human weakness, and will admit them into lofty gardens, with rivers flowing beneath. In short they will experience eternal peace and tranquility.
On the contrary, if after such clear explanations one does not believe and obey, there is no doubt in his being on the wrong path leading to inevitable destruction. When the Children of Israil broke their promise, they were duly punished. Firstly they were accursed and deprived of Divine Mercy, and subjected to various punishments in the form of disease, floods, rains of fires and stones and atrocities of the tyrant rulers. Indeed they faced one hardship after another. Secondly, the denial of Divine Mercy hardened their hearts. In other words, whoever is denied or deposed of His-SWT Wilayah faces two kinds of afflictions. (1) Physical and material (2) the malfunctioning of the subtle heart, its hardening, darkening and perversion, which then begins to approve of evil, and is reluctant to do good.
The hearts of Bani Israil were hardened and they began to tamper with the Divine Revelations. Driven by greed and lust for power, they began to alter the text and even the meanings of the Divine Books. They became oblivious of the methods of attaining His-SWT Barakah and Beneficence. The malfunctioning of the heart thus led to the collapse of the entire spiritual system. Therefore, each day dawns upon the Holy Prophet-SW with yet another tale of treachery and deceit by these people. They were supposed to lead the world in goodness and piety, but for the sake of petty gains, they resorted to deceit, lies, treachery with their fellow beings, Allah-SWT and His-SWT Book. There were only a few fortunate who were sincere, and were blessed with faith in the Holy Prophet-SW. The Holy Prophet-SW nevertheless, is being asked to forgive and ignore the mischief peculiar to these people, who have their own crooked character while his-SW status is much too exalted. He-SW is to persistently convey the Message of Allah-SWT to them. Allah-SWT likes those who are kind to others and who employ their energies in the execution of His-SWT Commands. Those who claim to be Christians had also made a covenant like their ancestors. Following in the footsteps of Jews, they also violated it. Therefore, in addition to the above two punishments, their religion was segmented into many branches where members of one branch are not willing to tolerate those of the other. They will continue to indulge in avarice and animosity until the Day of Judgement. It is on that Day when Allah-SWT shall make them aware of their doings.
O' People of the Book! The truth is that My-SWT Messenger Muhammad-SW has arrived. He-SW is the one raised for you as well as the entire mankind. Amongst many evidences of his-SW Prophethood is the fact that inspite of being unlettered; he-SW reveals for people’s benefit the facts of your Books that you had concealed. However, he-SW keeps to himself many details that may only disgrace you. His-SW remarkable character is a witness to his-SW Prophethood. Moreover, he-SW is escorted by Divine Lights; the Book he-SW brought is a light and guidance; his-SW noble personality, his-SW gracious disposition and his-SW knowledge is the beacon lights. Whoever is a seeker of Divine Pleasure is guided by Allah-SWT to the path of salvation through His-SWT Prophet-SW and the Book he-SW has brought. Such a person is delivered from darkness into light and is diverted from the path of wrongdoing to virtuous deeds. Allah-SWT makes it possible for him-SW to tread the right path. He-SWT makes the path to salvation in the Hereafter easier for him-SW. This is a proof of Allah-SWT's Pleasure and is also known as Wilayah, that the ability to do good is enhanced.
Those who believe in Prophet 'Isa-AS son of Maryam-AS, as Rabb-SWT are undoubtedly the non-believers. They are indeed insane in taking a creation as the Creator! How can a human being who was once helpless in the mother's womb and was given birth, be taken as Rabb-SWT ? The birth itself proves that the real Creator Who-SWT gives life is someone else. They must be asked that if the Creator of Prophet Isa-AS, his mother Hadhrat Maryam-RUA and so many other people; decides to inflict death upon all of them, who can dare stop Him-SWT from doing so? Hadhrat Maryam-RUA has died and Prophet Isa-AS too will die alter his return to the world. The kingdom of Allah-SWT embraces all heavens and earth and His-SWT Commands prevail everywhere. If Prophet Isa-AS was born without a father it cannot prove his divinity. He is after all a creation, while Allah-SWT is Omnipotent and may create whoever He-SWT Pleases. Had He-SWT planned to grow people in the fields, no one could have stopped Him-SWT . If Prophet Isa-AS was born without a father, Prophet Aadam-AS was born without both parents. Allah-SWT is all Powerful and Mighty and does things, as He-SWT likes.
The Jews and the Christians claim to be the Children of Allah-SWT and also His-SWT chosen folk. Just evaluate their claims vis-a-vis their conduct; they have murky hearts, distorted beliefs, wrong practices and are the worst devourers of usury. They lead a sinful and infidel life which will culminate in Hell. If Allah-SWT had children, would this have been their condition and character? He-SWT is the One and Only Allah-SWT and is free from any constituents while the children are constituent of the father. Then why is He-SWT constantly warning them of eternal punishments for their beliefs? The fact is that the Jews and the Christians too are ordinary human beings, a creation like the rest of the creations of Allah-SWT . It is entirely upto Him-SWT that He-SWT may forgive them and guide them to good deeds, or may punish them for their misconduct. He-SWT is the Sovereign having complete sway over the heavens and the earth and all that is beyond. He-SWT is the Creator of everyone, unto Whom-SWT they all shall return.
O’ People of the Book! My-SWT Prophet-SW has come to you after the lapse of a long period of time since the last Prophet-AS. The scholars assert that in the past, Prophets-AS were sent while there existed still some remnants of the earlier religion, whereas there is a gap of six hundred years between Prophet Isa-AS and the Holy Prophet-SW. That is why this period is called 'Ahd-e-Fatrat’ which means the era in which the Prophetic teachings had discontinued. In such times when the Prophetic lights or the teachings of Islam do not reach a particular place, the followers of Christianity, Judaism or any rituals in the name of religion may qualify for forgiveness provided they do not adopt polytheism, as each and every speck of dust, and every leaf on the plants bear witness to the Unity of Allah-SWT .
See how centuries of discontinuation of guidance had led the mankind astray, away from truth. People had become ignorant, superstitious and corrupt. Mankind was like a patient on the throes of death. It is because of this exalted Prophet-SW of Islam that the dying was cured and blessed with health. The entire era, the whole mankind was reformed by a single person. Now the Jews and Christians cannot say on the Day of Judgement that no one guided them to the right path and deterred them from the wrong. Indeed they are so unfortunate that they are planning to oppose him-SW while he-SW is the one, the long awaited Prophet-SW, the bearer of glad tidings and also the warner. The Message he-SW brought for the entire mankind has been declared by Allah-SWT as the Message of truth and guidance for all times to come. And, In-sha-Allah , it shall reach and prevail all over the world; for Allah-SWT is the Most Powerful.