And a section of the People ... Allah-SWT is the Owner of Mighty Grace.
Jewish Conspiracies Ever Since Khilafat-e Rashidah To Karbala
The Jews came up with a scheme to deviate the Muslims from the right path. The plan was that they would embrace Islam and join the Muslims and then would renounce it on one pretext or the other. They thought that this might confuse the Muslims and cause doubts in their minds and they might revert to disbelief.
This Jewish conspiracy matured and emerged on the face of history in the form of ‘Abdullah Ibn Saba. It began with the ruthless killing of the third Caliph ‘Uthman-RAU and spilt the blood of thousands of Muslims. The fourth Caliph ‘Ali-RAU also became its victim and it eventually led to the tragedy of Karbala.
The followers of Ibn-e Saba wrote to Hadhrat Hussain-RAU that large number of well armed people awaited his-RAU arrival desperately in the metropolitan city of Kufah. They insisted that if he-RAU did not show up to lead them they would complain against him-RAU before the Holy Prophet-SW on the Day of Judgement, that he-RAU had imposed a wicked ruler over them; had he-RAU come, it would have changed the face of the world.
Otherwise does it seem logical that Hadhrat Hussain-RAU had set out to conquer Damascus along with his-RAU women and children? Or else could it have been possible that he-RAU was not offered help by anyone as it was the time of Hajj and most of the Muslims had gathered in Makkah and Madinah? Not at all! In fact, he-RAU never invited anyone to join him-RAU nor did he-RAU think that it was required. However there is evidence that many eminent Companions-RAU cautioned him-RAU against trusting the people of Kufah, yet he-RAU took his-RAU own decision to go.
When he-RAU was only three stations away from Kufah his-RAU hosts confronted him-RAU and demanded that he-RAU should pledge his-RAU allegiance to Yazid. Hadhrat Hussain-RAU said: ‘You are strange people; you wrote to me that you had grievances against the Government. I came to ensure that the Government solves your problems, else to lead you. Now if you have no complaints I shall return home. And if you do not agree, then let us go to Damascus and I shall settle the matter with Yazid myself.’
The last point was agreed upon and they all set out for Damascus. They left the route from Makkah to Kufah and taking a diversion, reached Karbala, the third station on the Kufah-Damascus Route.
When they reached Karbala, the followers of Ibn-e-Saba realised that it could be disastrous for them to go to Damascus. Therefore, they put to sword the noble household of the Holy Prophet-SW in cold blood. The first book written on this tragedy in 61 AH was by Lut bin Yahya Abi Mikhnaf (d.190 AH) titled Maqtal-e Hussain. In other words, the event that took place in the year 61 AH was recorded after a century. The book itself was a pack of lies and is the source from which the subsequent historians took information. The conspiracies did not end here, rather the Jews were crafty enough to present a parallel Islam three centuries later, in the name of Fiqah-i J’afferiah. This religion has its own rules in all matters including Kalimah-e Tayyebah, Salat, Fasting, Hajj, Zakat, Marriage, Divorce, Buying and Selling, Funeral and Burial; and all its practices are opposed to those of Islam. The Jews thus demonstrated their mean nature by condemning a huge number of people to Hell and satisfied their malignant souls.
It is amazing that people did not even think how the event of Karbala could offer a pretext for innovating a parallel religion. Is the denial of Quran and Kalimah of Islam, and deviation from beliefs and worships the derivatives of the event of Karbala? May Allah-SWT bless everyone with clear thinking and wisdom!
Coming back to the days of the Holy Prophet-SW, the Jews decided that they would keep deceiving the Muslims, and would accept only that person from their hearts who would accept their religion. Allah-SWT declared that guidance is only from Him-SWT and He-SWT has bestowed it upon the Companions-RAU .No matter how hard the Jews try, they cannot blow out the flame of faith. They were jealous why the Book and the honour were being bestowed upon others than the Jews. At the same time they knew well that they had failed to keep their own Book in its original form. They were afraid that the Muslims would incriminate them before Allah-SWT , or ruin their leadership in this world by exposing their misdeeds. So let the Jews know that all honour lies with Allah-SWT ; He-SWT may bless whomever He-SWT pleases. It is He-SWT , Who-SWT has exalted the Holy Prophet-SW and has chosen his-SW followers over the rest of the world. He-SWT selects whom He-SWT may please for His-SWT Mercy, as He-SWT is the Most Merciful.
It proves that Wilayah is not a legacy but Allah-SWT may bless anyone He-SWT chooses with exalted ranks and lofty stations. No one can challenge His-SWT distribution choice!
And among the People ...for them will be grievous punishment.
Amongst the People of the Book there are some who when entrusted with a large amount of money will return it in full when demanded. And there are some who when entrusted with a single dime do not return it at all. In other words, there are amongst the People of the Book, some who are good in practical life. Thus virtue will be appreciated even if found in a non-believer. However, it is a separate issue that the non-believers would not be rewarded for good deeds in the Akhirah, as requital in Akhirah depends on faith. If someone does not believe in Akhirah at all, or does not believe it the way the Holy Prophet-SW has ordered to believe, he will be deprived in the Akhirah. However, for avoiding evil in the world, the severity of eternal punishment will be lessened and faith is not a prerequisite for worldly gains. For example, even if a non-believer conducts business honestly, it will yield affluence. Respecting the honour of others ensures Divine Protection of one’s own honour. These two features can be observed in Europe today. Since they conduct their business fairly they are affluent. But in terms of morality, no one’s honour is safe because of sexual depravity.
The People of the Book indulge in misappropriation because they believe that they will not be held accountable for their dealings with people outside their own faith. How treacherous of them that they lie about Allah-SWT knowing fully well that Allah-SWT never commanded any such thing! The Din of Allah-SWT does not brook narrow mindedness whereby the virtues of people are not appreciated. It does not allow that a non-Muslim be deprived of his rights to survive in this world or his wealth be plundered. In fact the essence of Din is that whoever fulfils his covenants by believing in Allah-SWT’s Unity and His Prophets-AS and leads a life in accordance with His-SWT Commandments, refraining from disbelief and embezzlement, is Muttaqi and surely Allah-SWT loves such people.
Wilayah Is Not Hereditary
Allah-SWT loves those who hold the right beliefs, discharge their obligations and refrain from the forbidden. Anyone who has perverse precepts, engages in sordid practices or heresy cannot be blessed with the exalted status of being Allah-SWT’s Wali. Allah-SWT can never love such a person. However, if the belief is proper and all efforts are made to act righteously, Wilayah can be achieved provided Allah-SWT is kind enough to accept such endeavour and blesses with His-SWT Mercy. People who sell their faith for a few pennies and swear upon lies and deceit have no share in the Akhirah. Just as the Jews who had deliberately distorted their belief used to swear to their followers that they were delivering the Truth. They did so out of their lust for power and money. Today if a person without any inner excellence pretends to be a spiritual leader and exhorts money from people, he sails in the same boat. If anyone falsely claims to be a Prophet or a Wali, the only difference is in the nature of their claim but not in the act of lying. Such impostors not only deprive people of their wealth but also damage their faith, which is eventually lost in the company of these liars. Those guilty of such a crime shall have no share in the Akhirah. Allah-SWT shall neither speak nor look towards them nor cleanse them on the Day of Judgement and for them awaits a painful doom.
Intuition Or Inspiration Is The Proof Of Tazkiyah
A conversation with Allah-SWT is indeed a great reward and a source of His-SWT Mercy and Tazkiyah. People who are exceptionally special with Allah-SWT are blessed with intuition or inspiration, which is a proof of the Tazkiyah of their inner selves. It is also established that if a sinner claims to possess these blessings, he is lying as these can only be attained by the righteous.
And surely there... non-believer after you have become Muslims?
There is a group amongst the People of the Book who twist their tongues while reciting the Divine Scripture in a manner so as to change the meanings, making the listeners believe that this is how it is written in Allah-SWT’s Book, whereas it is not. Not only were the words changed in the preceding Books but the entire sections and topics were altered. All later additions to these Books were imposed upon the people as Allah-SWT’s Commands. However, to alter the Quranic words is beyond human reach, as it enjoys the Divine Protection. Therefore, the heretics have found a solution by leaving the words intact and altering the meanings through lexical manipulations. They ought to know that only those meanings of the Quran will be deemed authentic, which were given by the Holy Prophet-SW himself and were understood and practised by the Companions-RAU.
Those who wrong themselves by interpolating the Divine Scriptures and making people believe that it is from Allah-SWT , deliberately lie about Him-SWT . The only medium between Allah-SWT and the mankind is His-SWT Prophets-AS and Messengers-AS who can convey His-SWT Message to His-SWT people. No one can attain Din or Shari’ah without the medium of Prophethood.
It must, however, be remembered that intuition or inspiration experienced by the Aulia helps them to understand the matters of Shari’ah and makes them steadfast. Any intuition contrary to the Shari’ah or the sayings of the Prophet-SW is not acceptable. When the only means of attaining Allah-SWT’s Words is through His-SWT Messengers-AS, is it then possible or appropriate for a person enjoying the exalted status of Prophethood and given the Divine Scripture deviate the people from Allah-SWT’s worship into his own; and to give them orders which are not from Allah-SWT ? This would amount to saying that Allah-SWT chose an incapable person for such an important task. Since Allah-SWT grants ‘capability’ itself it is impossible for a Prophet-AS to do such dishonesty. And it becomes evident that all the absurdities believed in by the People of the Book are neither from Allah-SWT nor taught by a Prophet-AS, as he always enjoins Allah-SWT’s obedience Those who read the Divine Books must have observed the fact that no Prophet-AS has ever taught mankind to take angels or Prophets-AS as their Rabb and pin hopes on them. Can a Prophet-AS ever command people to become apostates? Not at all, because it is indeed disbelief to take others besides Allah-SWT as Rabb.