Surely, those who disbelieve, ... and gathered unto Hell, an evil abode!"
Undoubtedly the wealth and progeny of those who disbelieve shall be of no avail to them before Allah-SWT . If they have assumed that their affluence is a proof of Allah-SWT’s Pleasure, they are certainly mistaken! This is a system designed by Allah-SWT , which is running at its own pace. Yet the proof of Allah-SWT’s Pleasure is Din. If they do not accept Allah-SWT’s Din, then regardless of whether they have riches or children, they shall be condemned to Hell. Those who disbelieve resemble the Pharaohs’ folk and all the preceding non-believers in their attitude who rejected the truth only out of their lust of wealth and power. Allah-SWT punished them for their denial and sins. Verily Allah-SWT’s Punishment is extremely severe.
O Prophet-SW! Inform the non-believers that soon they would be overpowered and driven to Hell. They will not be able to escape Allah-SWT’s grip. Here they would be vanquished by the Muslims and in the Akhirah condemned to Hell, which is indeed a terrible abode. According to the commentators, after the victory of Badar the Jews commented that the Muslims had won only due to the inexperience of the Makkan Army, but if they ever came across a battle hardened people like the Jews, they would know their worth!
This led to the revelations predicting the defeat of the Jews, which proved to be true word for word. The Bani Quraizah were put to sword and Bani Nadhir exiled. Besides, the conquest of Khyber came as an utter surprise to the Jews, who never imagined that a handful of Muslims would humble such a great power. And the world witnessed that the series of triumphs did not end here. Though this Ayah was revealed at a particular occasion, yet the applicability of its content is general. Who could have imagined that a few earnest souls who had been forced to migrate from Makkah in a state of helplessness and misery would stage a comeback as the conquerors in a few years? And the Makkans would lower their heads conceding defeat! Or that a few faithful servants of the Holy Prophet-SW would rise from the desert and shock the world by humbling the then superpowers of Rome and Persia. That they would spread the true faith like a gust of morning breeze, rejuvenating the world with the fragrance of Prophet Muhammad-SW; that the sprawling deserts would shrink beneath their feet, the mountains would fail to deter them and oceans would serve them as pavements. But it did happen and is deeply inscribed in golden words in the folds of history!
Today, if we analyse our condition against the above backdrop, it is in sharp contrast, as we never hear any good news from any Muslim country around the globe! From Eritrea to Palestine, Muslim blood is flowing in streams. They are strangled by the horrifying jaws of the demon of disbelief, forcing us to wonder what happened to the Divine Promises?
Mu'arif al Quran has the view that here the Divine Promise does not extend to the non-believers of all times but is confined to the Jews and polytheists of the Holy Prophet-SW‘s era.
Maulana Thanvi-RUA in his Bayan al-Quran corroborates this view and adds that it shall be applicable to the non-believers of the Holy Prophet-SW’s era in this world and to all in the Akhirah. But if we look carefully, not only can we see this promise being fulfilled during the era of Khilafat-e Rashidah but also until centuries later. Whether it was the strike of Salah ud Din Ayubi or the lightening raids of Mahmud Ghaznavi, the same Divine Promise appears to be working. Even today a few untrained, ill-clad and ill-armed barefooted soldiers by Divine help, are inflicting a crushing defeat upon the mighty super power of present time in the mountain passes of Afghanistan. (The USSR has disintegrated after this writing, the Afghan War being the major cause). In this case too, there is no comparison in the material strength of the adversaries. The only thing is that the bosoms of these nomads are enlightened with faith. These fundamentalists call out the Azan amidst bombardments and offer Salat in congregation. Their faces are adorned with Sunnah of the Holy Prophet-SW and their hearts over flow with his-SW love.
This is an ample proof that the Divine Succour is still there, it is only the Muslim who has deviated from the path and is heading towards infidelity and obscenity in quest of so-called progress. The Muslim whose year begins with Muharram, the month of supreme sacrifice, and ends with the enthusiasm of Zil Hajj, today bids farewell to the passing year and welcomes the new year of the Christian calendar by drinking and revelling in the night clubs. At the same time he expects to be showered the Divine Blessings and Grace promised to the Muslims alone. If we wish to remove the darkness of disbelief, and enlighten the world with the radiance of Din, we have to turn to our point of origin. May Allah-SWT bless us with the courage to do so!
Indeed there was sign for you ...a lesson for all who have eyes to see.
The Battle of Badar is mentioned as an example and evidence of the promised support. It was a battle, in which the two sides had no comparison in terms of strength and resources. The Makkans were 950 in number, all veterans, with 700 camels, 100 horses and ample supply of armaments and food. On the other side were 313 ready-to-die Muslims including children and the elderly of whom 70 were the Muhajirin and the rest Ansar. They had seventy camels, two horses, eight swords and six armours only.
This was the first battle fought against disbelief under the direct command of the Holy Prophet-SW, in Ramadhan of 2nd Hijrah. Musa bin ‘Umair was the standard bearer from the Muhajirin and S'ad Bin ‘Ibadah from the Ansar. The Holy Prophet-SW made the flag for the entire contingent from the shawl of his-SW beloved wife ‘A’ishah Siddiqah which was carried by Hadhrat ‘Ali. In other words, not only did the Holy Prophet-SW offer his-SW own and his-SW Companions-RAU lives, left his-SW home and city, but also put to stake his-SW honour, imploring Allah-SWT that if He-SWT let that flag fall, it would be trampled under the feet of the non-believers!
The Flag At Badar
It was then up to Allah-SWT to uphold that flag symbolizing the honour of His-SWT Prophet-SW. History repeated itself at Khyber when the fighting prolonged well over a month and the supply of food and armament began to run out. Most of the swords had broken and the Companions-RAU would pick the arrows shot at them by the Jews and shoot them back. The Muslims were only fifteen hundred in number against the ten thousand Jews. Moreover, at the rear of Muslim army, the tribe of Banu Ghatfan was located, who had an army of five hundred. They had a treaty with the Jews, but were yet scared to intervene.
Under the circumstances, the Holy Prophet-SW once again made a flag out of the shawl of Um-ul believers ‘A’ishah Siddiqah and gave it to Hadhrat ‘Ali to carry. By the Grace of Allah-SWT , all the forts of Khyber fell to the Muslims in one onslaught, one after the other.
The sun saw this same flag for the third time when the Holy Prophet-SW entered Makkah as the conqueror. The flag was carried by Hadhrat ‘Ali, and this was probably a gesture of gratitude, as Allah-SWT had always upheld the honour of this flag. The repeated appointment of Hadhrat ‘Ali as the bearer was possibly due to the fact that he-RAU was not only the son-in-law, but had actually been raised as a son in Prophet-SW’s house, and it is the right of a son to hold the shawl of his mother. (Allah-SWT knows best)!
The fact of the matter was that at Badar, a smaller group, lesser in number and provisions was fighting for the Cause of Allah-SWT , against the larger and better-equipped contingent, comprising the non-believers.
Both the groups saw one another to be twice their own number. And they saw it with open eyes. In other words it would mean that the non-believers who were in reality three times the size of the Muslims appeared only double while Muslims appeared to be a much larger group than they actually were. The Ayah of Surah Anfal, “lessened you in their eyes”, pertains to the commencement of the battle, whereby the Muslims appeared to be very few to the non-believers who were encouraged to plunge into fighting. But once the fighting began, they saw that the Muslims were twice their numbers, which demoralized them.
These were the varying states experienced by the two opponents at different times. Besides, Allah-SWT provides the means for every task and it is not proper to give up the means. Allah-SWT helps whosoever He-SWT pleases and reinforces by His-SWT succour. See how a few empty handed Muslims, with His-SWT help, inflicted a humiliating defeat upon a well-equipped army whose selected warriors were either slain or taken prisoners! There is a great lesson for people of vision in this clash and an outstanding evidence of the authenticity of the prophecies of the Holy Prophet-SW.
Alluring to mankind is the love . . . and with Allah-SWT is the best resort.
The discussion now turns to the mankind’s love for the pleasures of this world. The term Hub ash-Shahawat means the love for carnal desires, which necessarily is the animal instinct. In other words people follow these instincts just like animals and get so much absorbed in pursuit of such pleasures that they completely forget Allah-SWT and His-SWT obedience. It must be remembered that Allah-SWT Himself is the originator of all things of beauty and pleasure, and the desire to seek these is also created by Him-SWT . Therefore, this desire cannot be eliminated from the heart completely.
Yet when the physical love for these pleasures stands in conflict with the rational love of Allah-SWT , His-SWT Prophet-SW and the Akhirah, the former must be given up while the latter must prevail. This indeed is the trial for man. The same worldly things can be a source of blessing in both the worlds, if rightfully sought and enjoyed. Functioning within the limits of Allah-SWT with regard to these pleasures is the characteristic, which elevates a human being above angels. But if in the pursuit of these pleasures, or for the love of fame or power man disobeys Allah-SWT , then these would prove to be a major source of his devastation.
Allah-SWT informs mankind that the love of women, children, heaps of gold and silver, cattle and thoroughbred horses is a source of great attraction but these are all transitory and mortal. The origin of all worldly things is nothingness meaning thereby that all possibilities of the world were in reality non-existent. They were originally not there, and then they happened and their own existence is reflective and their reality is nothingness. Therefore, everything is moving towards mortality. All matters pertaining to existence are in the Knowledge of Allah-SWT . Originally nonexistent, everything makes its appearance as a reflection of the Splendour of Divine Attributes. Their existence is reflectory, which people mistake for real, and things with no reality have neither excellence nor beauty. Yes! The pleasures of the Akhirah are worth desiring! Because the origin of their establishment and certainty are the Divine Attributes which would be demonstrated in the Akhirah in the form of His-SWT Generosity or Wrath and since the Attributes are boundless the punishments as well as the rewards in the Akhirah would also be eternal.
Allah-SWT declares that with Him-SWT is an exquisite residence in the Akhirah. Any worldly thing that assists in the attainment of success in the Akhirah should be desired. The love for the Holy Prophet-SW, the Companions-RAU and the Aulia’ is in fact the love for the Akhirah which in turn is the love for Allah-SWT . The inclination towards the blessings of Akhirah is in fact the affinity towards Allah-SWT .
Say, "Shall I tell you ... And Allah-SWT is the Beholder of His servants.
The Holy Prophet-SW is instructed to inform the people of the rewards far superior to the ephemeral pleasures mentioned before. These, of course, will be for the Muttaqin who are in constant pursuit of Allah-SWT’s Pleasure and have the courage to sacrifice temporal desires over His-SWT Will and Purpose. For them await eternal gardens with streams flowing underneath and an everlasting bliss. Once admitted they shall never be expelled and will dwell therein forever. There they shall be blessed with pure wives, free from physical and moral impurity. This is true for all women who shall qualify for admission into Paradise as well as those especially created there for the purpose.
Above all, the greatest of all rewards enjoyed by the residents of Paradise will be Allah-SWT’s Pleasure. The kindred of the believers who qualify for Paradise will live together with them and enjoy an endless bliss. The joys of Paradise are described in so much detail in the sayings of the Holy Prophet-SW, that one feels like experiencing them immediately.
Allah-SWT Himself is over looking His-SWT servants and knows what each one of them is striving for. He-SWT is well aware of those who say: Our Allah-SWT ! Lo! We believe and have kicked away disbelief. So forgive us our sins and guard us from the punishment of the Fire. It is thus clear that it is only faith that establishes the right for redemption.
Qualities Of The Aulia
The steadfast are those who are stable in opposition to their soul, which means that they restrain themselves from evil desires and engage in Allah-SWT’s obedience. These are the qualities of the Aulia’ and must be looked for in a person who is taken as a guide or a spiritual leader. An oath of allegiance with a wrongdoer is altogether prohibited. The second quality of the Aulia’ is that they are truthful in all their claims, conduct and reports. Besides they are firm, on the dictates of the greatest of all truths, i.e. Kalimah-e-Tayyebah and worship Allah-SWT in the light of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet-SW. Kalimah-e-Tayyebah is a declaration that there is no Ilaha save Allah-SWT and Muhammad-SW is His-SWT Prophet-SW. It is a solemn pledge that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah-SWT and that we shall worship Him-SWT in accordance with and in the light of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet-SW. The Aulia’ always seek the Pleasure of Allah-SWT and are ever willing to spend all their resources in His-SWT Cause, be it the efforts, the energy or the wealth. And then in spite of all their devotions, they wake up at dawn and beg for His-SWT Forgiveness in these words: “O Allah-SWT it is You-SWT , Who has granted us the strength to worship and to do good. The knowledge thereof is also given by You-SWT . Do accept our insignificant efforts by Your-SWT Generosity and Grace.” Dawn is the special time of Divine Acceptance of prayers, which pulls a person out of the warm bed. The qualities of the Aulia’ have been explained to facilitate identification by the seekers. It is better to avoid an association where these are missing.
Allah-SWT (Himself) gives Shahadah ... Allah-SWT is Swift in calling to account.
His-SWT Being and His-SWT Attributes and all that is manifested and created bear witness to His-SWT Unity. Allah-SWT Himself is witness to the fact that no one else is worthy of worship save Him-SWT . The exalted angels endorse His-SWT Unity by their obedience, and glorification.
What Is Islam?
The men of knowledge across the ages have also testified the Unity of Allah-SWT . The term “men of knowledge” refers to those who are able to comprehend the reality of Allah-SWT’s Unity through His-SWT Messengers-AS or by contemplation of the universe. They may not necessarily be formal scholars, because those who fail to recognise Allah-SWT are ignorant by His-SWT standards even if they are masters of all the faculties of arts and sciences. As the greatest of all realities is the Being of Allah-SWT , the one ignorant of it can never be termed as a scholar. So all men of knowledge endorse the facts that Allah-SWT Alone is worthy of worship, He-SWT prevails over everything and is the Wisest.
It is an established fact that Islam is the only Din of His-SWT choosing. Islam means surrendering one’s self to Allah-SWT and His-SWT willing obedience. Every Prophet-AS brought His-SWT Message to mankind, and Islam is the name of establishing a relationship with each one of them through faith and obedience. This is why Prophets Nuh-AS, Ibrahim-AS and ‘Isa-AS proclaimed to be Muslims in their own times. In other words the Message conveyed by every Prophet-AS was Islam and thus acceptable to Allah-SWT . And at the end, the Message conveyed by the last Prophet-SW was also named Islam, which shall remain valid until the Yaum-al-Qiyamah.
All the other Prophets-AS also unanimously believed in the Unity of Allah-SWT , the Prophethood, Akhirah, Paradise and Hell, the Reckoning and the Angels. The only difference was in the modes of worship, which varied through time with every Prophet-AS bringing a new Shari’ah. Whatever injunctions were annulled in the course of time no longer remained a part of Islam. Now the Shari’ah brought by the Holy Prophet-SW is Islam which replaces all the previous ones and, therefore, following any of them can no longer be termed as Islam.
After the raising of the Holy Prophet-SW only the Quran and his-SW teachings constitute Islam. It proves that all those who compromise with disbelief in the name of tolerance are indeed atheists. The point of view that every religion, whether Christianity, Judaism or idolatry, given the noble practices and high morals can be a source of salvation, is nothing but a deadly attack on Islam and efforts to propagate atheism. The matter is very clear and simple! There is no one to be worshipped and obeyed save Allah-SWT , and how it is to be done must be learnt from the Holy Prophet-SW. Any one failing to do so is a non-believer and even if he does anything good, it will not benefit him in the Akhirah as he neither did it for Allah-SWT nor did he learn it from the Holy Prophet-SW. Now if the People of the Book deny the Holy Prophet-SW and the Message, it will only be a rebellion, because the same facts are written in their own Books, which endorse all that the believers claim. Only the hunger for wealth and power, and malice against the Muslims has led them to a conflict against Islam.
Anyone denying the Ayat of Allah-SWT shall soon be reckoned with, for He-SWT is swift at reckoning. Immediately after death and entry into Barzakh the questioning shall begin and the reality of all conflicts shall be exposed on the Day of Judgement. And if after such clear proofs and evidences, they persist in their argument then O’ Prophet-SW tell them that you are obedient to Allah-SWT with every cell of your body and soul, and so are your-SW followers. Now O’ People of the Book and polytheists! Can you do the same? If they submit, they will be blessed with guidance and the straight path but if they fail, then there is no middle course. Let them stray in disbelief. Your-SW duty O’ Prophet-SW was only to convey the Message. Now the matter is with Allah-SWT and He-SWT is certainly watching every one of them.