O' Mankind! Do ponder that if all those worshipped besides Allaah-SWT join hands, they cannot even create a fly, an insignificant insect. Not only that, but also if a fly eats from the offerings made to their idols and deities, these cannot even wave it away. How can they possibly help anyone else? How contemptuous are they who seek help and how feeble and helpless are the ones they turn to! It is a pity that you failed to discern His-SWT Magnificence and appreciate it. But O’ infidels! Your denial will not affect it in any way, for He-SWT is the Mighty Who-SWT dominants over everything.
He-SWT selects as His-SWT Messenger whom He-SWT likes from the angels. He-SWT appoints whom He-SWT chooses as a Prophet from the human beings. The objection of the infidels that the Messenger of Allaah-SWT should have been a rich man, or a chieftain of a notable tribe, is absurd as Allaah-SWT chooses whoever He-SWT likes for His-SWT mission and needs no counsel from anyone. He-SWT Himself-SWT listens to and sees everything. So the deniers need not be paid any heed, rather the believers who enjoy His-SWT Favours must worship Him-SWT most diligently, as He-SWT is their Sustainer. It is He-SWT Who-SWT is dishing out everything now and can also do so in the future.
Worship Generates Capacity To Act Piously
It is through worship that one is blessed with the capacity to act righteously and develop a noble conduct, which serve as a source of salvation. So there should be no slackening in worships or practices.
Misfortune Of Modern Era
The dilemma faced by the Muslims today is that those dedicated to worship limit themselves, taking it as the real Din. And those who are in practical lives devote themselves entirely to the field of action, considering worship as a futile activity. Both the attitudes are incorrect. A Muslim must exert in worship and work hard to acquire knowledge of both normative as well as physical sciences. He must acquire the most modern education and must discharge his duties with diligence in practical life. A believer is a Mujahid; who has to strive hard in the Cause of Allaah-SWT . He is, therefore, called upon to strive in the way of Allaah-SWT to the utmost so as to set an example. This is because Allaah-SWT has been extremely generous to the believers and has singled them out as a nation for Himself-SWT . Unlike the previous religions there is not a single Divine Command which is austere or difficult to execute. Rather He-SWT has moulded the daily routines of life into a beautiful cast of norms based on His-SWT obedience, rendering the execution of His-SWT Commands far easier. Above all, the believers are also a nation of their forefather Prophet Ibrahim-AS, who indirectly is the father of the entire Ummah through the Holy Prophet-SW. O' believers! You are the Ummah for which Prophet Ibrahim-AS had prayed, and had named you as Muslims: "Our Rabb-SWT ! And make us submissive unto you and of our offspring a nation submissive unto you" (128:2)
Allah-SWT has raised His-SWT Exalted and Glorious Prophet-SW a witness over you, as it is under his guidance that you obey Allaah-SWT while you, as a nation, have been appointed as a witness over all the other nations. When the infidels would complain on the Day of Reckoning, that the Messengers-AS had not given them any guidance it is you who will testify on behalf of the Messengers-AS in these words. "O Allah-SWT ! Your-SWT Prophet Muhammad-SW had informed us that all the Prophets-AS had conveyed your Command to their people. It is these infidels who are lying," The believers must realize that Allaah-SWT has rested the fate of mankind on their testimony; does it then befit them to indulge in disobedience? So they must observe their worships diligently and must also remain conscious of Allaah-SWT in their practical lives, pinning all hopes on Him-SWT . He-SWT Alone is their Owner and what a Propitious Owner He-SWT is! Praise be to Him-SWT , He-SWT is capable of extending all types of help at all times.
To dispute over the Divine Commands and to say that it was not so in the preceding laws is highly inappropriate, for every nation and Ummah was given a Shari'ah and Code of Action commensurate to their times. The basic beliefs were the same but the practices corresponded with the level of understanding and knowledge of every nation in accordance with the circumstances attending that era So no one has the right to compare the laws of Islamic Shari'ah with the preceding ones, which were valid in their own time. Now it is the Holy Prophet-SW's Shariah which is valid and supersedes all. He-SW is being advised not to pay any heed to such arguments and to continue his campaign of inviting mankind to Allaah-SWT being certainly on the straight path; a path acceptable to a sound mind. If the infidels still wrangle over this issue, he-SW must tell them that Allaah-SWT is well Aware of their conduct and will judge over and settle their disputes on the Day of Reckoning once for all.
It is well known to man that Allah-SWT's Knowledge is all pervading. He-SWT is Aware of everything that exists and happens in the heavens and on the earth His-SWT Knowledge is profound and unlimited. All this is recorded in the Guarded Tablet and an account of the conduct of these wranglers is also available in their Registers of Conduct and certainly it is least difficult for Allaah-SWT to know and judge over them.
These wretched souls have opted to worship others than Allah-SWT, for which they have neither practical nor logical evidence, nor has any Scripture ever ordained the worship of anyone save Him-SWT . Nor is it acceptable to reasoning that a creation begins to worship other creation. When such transgressors will be taken to task by Allaah-SWT nobody will be able to help them. They have drifted so far away from the truth and are so weary of it that when faced with Allah-SWT's Commands, which arc logical, rational and factual, they become extremely repugnant, as can be seen from their facial expressions. They are so agitated as if they would attack anyone conveying Allah-SWT's Word to them. The Holy Prophet-SW must tell them that there is a far more distressing news for them, that is the Fire, the Hell which indeed is an evil abode.