A believer whose heart is blessed with a firm belief in the authenticity of Divine Revelations to the Holy Prophet-SW can never be equalled by the one blind at heart and deprived of this belief. Although the truth is crystal clear, yet it requires a sound mind for understanding and this reality is only perceived by the wise. They are those who honour their eternal Covenant with Allah-SWT , wherein they had proclaimed Him-SWT to be their Rabb-SWT . This Pledge is renewed with the recital of Kalimah Tayyebah, reiterating the Magnificence of Allah-SWT and the truthfulness of the Prophets-AS with a resolve to obey Him-SWT . They do not breach their covenants by disobeying. Yet another trait of the believers is that they unite and so not break the relationships enjoined by Allah-SWT , which also includes courteous behaviour within limits. No one deserves to be patronized in his evil conduct. It is noble to forgive someone and retain a relation despite suffering a loss. But there must be no co-operation or compromise on activities against Shari’ah. To conjoin relationships includes faith as well as righteous conduct. But often people confine to a verbal declaration of faith and do not make any efforts to behave righteously. This is certainly wrong. However, the believers fear Allah-SWT despite all their efforts towards piety lest He-SWT should be annoyed over something.
Such Fear Denotes Khashi‘āt
They fear the meticulous accountability on the Day of Reckoning all the time. A person, no matter how well he conducted himself in this world, will still depend on Allah-SWT ’s Mercy for salvation. This is because human beings are bound to err. No one knows when he might commit a mistake which invalidates all his good deeds. Besides, even if he does not commit any error at all, all the blessings he is already enjoying cannot be adequately thanked for. The Holy Prophet-SW is reported to have said that everyone who is admitted into Jannah will be sent there solely by His-SWT Grace. The Companions–RAU enquired whether it also applied to him-SW. “Yes” he-SW said “me too”. Commenting on the process of Reckoning, the Holy Prophet-SW advised the believers to pray for an easy accountability, which means that one is forgiven without asking any questions. According to Hadhrat ‘Āyeshah Siddiqah–RAU, anyone who is questioned is sure to be punished. Therefore, it is only wise to fear the accountability constantly.
The next virtue of the believers is that they persevere in the Cause of Allah-SWT only to attain His-SWT Pleasure. Ironically, today after few Sujūd before Allah-SWT the Muslims expect that everything should happen according to their wishes. They do not expect anything to go against their aspirations while Islam stands for Sabr (perseverance) over one’s desires, comforts and preferences. It calls for discipline, whereby one has a desire but does not disobey Allah-SWT for its fulfillment. This means standing firm on Allaah-SWT ’s obedience and abstaining from sin. Of course, if a person was saved from wrongdoing by some compelling circumstances, he is saved from sin. But this involuntary abstinence cannot be termed as Sabr.
However, it is possible that one never has a chance to sin, or there are no alluring whispers from Satan and one’s soul. Abstaining from sin despite these evil forces, for Allah-SWT ’s Pleasure, is Sabr.
The next virtue symbolic of the wise is that they establish Salāt in two ways. They offer their own Salāt diligently and try their level best to persuade others to do so. Yet another trait is that they continuously exert all their resources, their expertise, knowledge or wealth in the Cause of Allah-SWT in order to establish His-SWT Supremacy. They do not employ their capabilities to satisfy personal desires in disobedience of Allah-SWT . Their efforts are covert as well as overt, according to the circumstances. Then adopt whatever course of action serves Islam best. For example, they give away obligatory alms openly and voluntary charity confidentially. But in a broader sense it means to exert resources and energies for upholding faith rather than gaining personal fame, and to do the right thing at the right time.
Moreover, the believers do not repel evil with evil, but with goodness, because evil returned with evil will only add to it. So these servants of Allaah-SWT propagate virtue against evil. It does not mean to show clemency to murderers, robbers and thieves, which will itself be wrong. But virtue is to take Qisās from the criminals without harbouring any enmity towards them and to extend kind treatment to the dependants of the convicted and punished. Besides, the believers do not adopt the malpractices prevalent in the society. Even if the entire society agrees on a certain evil, these servants of Allah-SWT or people of wisdom stand fast on piety. For them awaits the blissful abode of the Ākhirah.
The Effects of Association with the Virtuous
Jannah of ‘Aden is the abode which awaits the servants of Allah-SWT and wherein will also be admitted those related and associated with them, provided the latter had died as believers. Even if the family members and relatives of the virtuous do not qualify for ‘Aden on their own, they will be admitted as their wives, parents and children. So much so that even their friends or followers will also be blessed, the only condition being faith. A person dying as infidel deprived of all relations, that is, there is no relationship between a believer and an infidel.
The author of Tafsir-e-Mazhari asserts that this Āyah endorses the fact that the illustrious wives of the Holy Prophet-SW and other members of his household will be blessed with exalted ranks because of him-SW
and the honour of his-SW
‘s company. Especially the noble wives will reside with the Holy Prophet-SW in his eternal abode. The same rule will apply down the line. The connection of faith will be the criterion validating blood ties, and the non believers will be left out. Moreover, to add to the delight of the believers admitted in Jannah Allah-SWT will allow their relatives, friends and followers who died as believers, to reside with them. The angels will enter from every door to pay homage to them and will commend them for their Sabr on the path of Allah-SWT ’s obedience. Jannah is a place of unlimited bounties and beauty unimaginable. It is a peaceful and everlasting abode to which distress and misery have no access. One must, therefore, practice Sabr in order to achieve eternal bliss and exalted stations. It is imperative to be fully heedful of the rights of fellow beings while obeying Allah-SWT simultaneously. Certainly it is a difficult task to persevere unless Allah-SWT gives the capacity.
Those who do not bother about the Covenant with Allah-SWT ascribe partners to Him-SWT in His-SWT Being and in His-SWT Attributes by pinning their hopes on others than Him-SWT , they fail to attach any importance to the rights of fellow beings and indulge in violation of the Covenant. They sunder all relationships which Allah-SWT Commands to cherish. Thus they create mischief on land. Upon their return to the eternal abode after a sojourn here, they are deprived of His-SWT Mercy and are accursed. They are destined to a morbid and tormenting abode forever. They had preferred temporal gains in disobedience of Allah-SWT , a foolish misconception on their part. The provisions of life are blessed only by Allah-SWT , which He-SWT dispenses by His-SWT Own Choice. He-SWT may grant affluence or poverty to whom He-SWT Will. The only choice or authority given to man is that he can opt for obedience or defiance of Allah-SWT in worldly affairs. These wretched souls boast of their temporal achievements and feel proud over them, but this life is of no significance when compared to the Ākhirah.