After all efforts to get Binyamin released failed, they decided to return to their homeland. The grain had run out back home and prolonging their stay in Egypt was no longer possible. The eldest brother reminded them of the word they had given to their father and of the transgression they had previously committed in Yousuf-AS ‘s case. He said that their father was already frail and grief stricken in Yousuf-AS ‘s separation. Therefore, he wished to stay back, or else at least one of them should stay back in Egypt, until permitted by their father to return back; or else Allah-SWT may pave the way for Binyamin's acquittal because all the matters rest with Him-SWT and it is He-SWT Who takes all decisions.
The decision people take are mere facades, while these are His-SWT decisions that are actually enforced. According to the majority of Commentators, the eldest brother was Yahuda who had earlier opposed the killing of Yousuf-AS and was the most sound in judgement amongst all of them, he advised his brothers to go back and reassure their father that they had not neglected their responsibility but had to face exceptional circumstances. It was his son who had committed the theft without their knowledge. His action had indeed caused them a great deal of embarrassment before the King who had honoured them so much. Moreover, the hope of getting grain in the future also seemed bleak because of loss of trust after that incident. They said that they were bound by their pledge to protect only under normal circumstances. The sudden trouble from the unseen had taken them totally by surprise.
Status of an Agreement and Testimony
The jurists assert that an agreement is binding only under the normal circumstances. If an abnormal situation develops, which could not possibly have been foreseen, the terms of agreement are suspended. The second point that comes to light here is about testimony. To testify, one must have knowledge of the event and has to disclose his source, that is. If he is not an eye witness he must tell who gave him the information. Such a testimony is considered valid. The eldest brother advised others to tell their father to personally probe into the whole matter if he desired. He could enquire from other fellow-travellers, or could go to Egypt and see things for himself. What they were reporting to him was nothing but the truth, they asserted.
When Prophet Ya'qub-AS heard the story, he repeated the same words: it was a fabrication of their soul. Could it be expected of Binyamin to steal and did they expect him to buy their story? However, he said that patience was the best option which he had already been practising. He cautioned them that since there is a limit to everything, and now that his turmoils were crossing the limit, he expected a relief from Allah-SWT very soon. Not only Binyamin but all his children would return to him. as Yousuf-AS ‘s dream had predicted the reunion of the entire family. This was in his knowledge, but despite knowing he said that the real knowledge is with Allah-SWT , Who is the Wisest. All that was happening was the execution of His-SWT prudent plan.
Further Gratitude on His-SWT Blessings
It is evident here that a person must attribute all his outstanding qualities to Divine Blessing and thank Him-SWT more. The best way is to consider oneself as a humble servant of Allah-SWT and ascribe all his distinctions to His-SWT Favour.
Therefore, Prophet Ya'qub-AS turned his face away from his sons and sighed in pain: "O' Yousuf-AS! Where could I find you?" With the passage of time, he had lost his eyesight crying for Yousuf-AS Now that Binyamin was detained in Egypt he resorted to silence. Grief and sorrow nearly choked him from inside.
Love and Allah-SWT's Prophets-AS
Some critics ask why a Prophet-AS loved someone other than Allah so intensely that he lost his eyesight crying, whereas for a fact the Prophets love only Allah-SWT . The Commentators have given various answers but the simplest explanation is that Prophets-AS are also human, rather the finest of human beings. They are adorned with human traits par excellence, and their love indeed is far superior. Love influences every living being, and it is perfected inside the human heart. Love for the world is different from the love one has for the fellow beings. The question is whether one forsakes his human relationships for the love of material world, or sacrifices the worldly desires despite being dear to him, and honours and nurtures the love for fellow beings. In the absence of any natural or instinctive love for the world, sacrificing it would not denote any excellence. Similarly the love for Allah-SWT is totally different from the love for human beings, who belong to the same species sharing the bonds of blood, family and friendship. But a human being has nothing in common with the Almighty, Who-SWT is Unique in His-SWT Powers. His-SWT creation simply has no comparison with Him-SWT . But He-SWT blessed man with such consciousness that he can become crazy after His-SWT Splendour. The strength of one's love for Allah-SWT can be validated by seeing how much he loves his fellow beings, and how far he can sacrifice this love. In this context, we see the intensity of Prophet Y’aqub-AS’s love for Yousuf-AS touching the heights of helplessness and the way he is sacrificing it over the Will of Allah-SWT . He confessed that Yousuf-AS ‘s memories had tormented him unceasingly, but he was too shy to complain to Allah-SWT .Moreover, he had no one save Allah-SWT , Who is capable of doing everything. He-SWT was well Aware of his condition and the separation spreading over half a century. Everything was a part of His-SWT Wise Plan and whatever may happen he could not ever think of annoying Him-SWT . Here indeed lies the beauty of the entire story, and this indeed is the excellence of one's faith, as expressed by the Quran: "Believers love Allah-SWT the most." They may love other too, but that love always stays subservient to the love of Allah-SWT .
Seeing his state, his sons said that although time was the greatest healer of wounds yet the case of their father was different. He had not forgotten Yousuf-AS and if his sorrow persisted, it could cost him his life. He told them that they knew nothing about his grief, as he expressed it only before Allah-SWT, Whose Prophet-AS he was and Who had blessed him with immense knowledge. He knew that someday Yousuf-AS would come back to him. He also knew that Allaah-SWT would bless Yousuf-AS with glory, power and Prophethood. Inspite of all this, if he was still out of his sight it was only by Allah-SWT's Will. But unfortunately, his sons would not understand this. He bade them to go forth and search for Yousuf-AS and Binyamin and not to despair of Allah-SWT's Mercy. It was possible that the King of Egypt of whom they spoke so highly, might be the lost Yousuf-AS. Anything is possible with Allaah-SWT and to despair is the lot of the infidels. He told them to leave him alone and set off for Egypt immediately. But now they had no valuables left to trade in for grain and the family needed the provisions. Hence they loaded the utensils and other household items on the camels to barter for the grain, and left.
They arrived in Egypt and presented themselves in the Royal Court where Binyamin was already present. They implored the King that their family was in distress, and having nothing to offer in return for the grain, they had brought with them some used household items of very little value. They requested him to accept whatever they had in barter against grain as a special gesture of benevolence and also to release their brother for whom their old father was grief stricken. He had already lost his eyesight and this son was his only consolation, whose detention had made him awfully miserable. They said that words failed them to express his anguish and it would sadden the King to hear about the extreme grief of a Prophet-AS whose father and grand father were also Allaah-SWT ’s Prophets-AS. They begged him to show clemency for which Allaah-SWT shall reward him.
Now the time had come to unveil the truth. The long separation was about to be transformed into a joyous reunion. After listening to them Yousuf-AS said that they seemed very concerned about their father's grief, but did they not remember who had given this pain to him in the first place? Had they forgotten the treatment they had given to his beloved son Yousuf-AS by selling him off for a few Dirhams? He added that it was beyond measure how much their ignorance and foolishness had wronged their noble father, and their brothers Yousuf-AS and Binyamin. They were flabbergasted. How could the King of Egypt know all this? They looked up and inquired if he was Yousuf-AS probably recalling the dream and seeing familiarity in his face. Besides, this secret was only known to them or Yousuf-AS and, of course, to Allaah-SWT . Prophet Yousuf-AS replied that he was Yousuf-AS indeed and Binyamin was his real brother.
He asked them to realize how much Allah-SWT had favoured them; for their distress was a prelude of a superior plan. He said that whatever hardships they had faced were indeed blessings, because the final outcome was so favourable. He advised them to remember that Allah-SWT rewards His-SWT servants generously, those who acquire Taqwa and remain patient. There was no option for them but to confess their sin. So they said that Allah-SWT had indeed been very generous to Yousuf-AS and had granted him a status exalted. He had power over them while they stood guilty before him for having wronged him immensely. However, all they could offer was tears of repentance and remorse. That was when Prophet Yousuf-AS forgave them and said that on that day they would not be reproached nor questioned, and that he would also pray Allah-SWT to forgive them. Who indeed is the Most Merciful.
The Blessings of Relics
He gave his shirt to them to take it to their father, for a touch would restore his vision and convey the glad tidings to him of their reunion. As the garment touched his eyes, his eyesight was restored. This was the blessing of a relic and also a miracle of Prophet Yousuf-AS. The analysis of the effects is not possible through science as the blessings associated with these are far above human understanding.
He also invited his brothers to bring all their relations to Egypt where Allah-SWT had blessed him with power. There they could live in tranquility, and they no longer needed to live in the wilderness. That, he said, was the time to rejoice and cherish their reunion as the dismal years of separation were over.