As discussed earlier, Alif Lam Ra belong to the group of words whose knowledge lies with Allaah-SWT and His-SWT Prophet-SW or those chosen few whom Allaah-SWT may bless with the required level of understanding. However, their recitation is for everyone and is equally beneficial to all. Quran is an incomparable Book; its Ayat are firm, that is, unchangeable. Although Divine Scriptures had been revealed earlier too, yet the Doctrines and Commandments they contained were confined to specific nations or countries and periods. The Revelation of the Quran totally abrogated all previous Scriptures because it has been sent for the entire mankind, for all countries and for all times to come. Its Doctrines are equally applicable and binding on all societies all over the globe, forever since it is for all times, it leaves no questions unanswered and no issue unresolved. From beliefs to practices, morals to politics, economics to social norms, it discusses every aspect of life explicitly. It has to be so because it has been revealed by the Knowing and the Wisest. But the quintessence of its text is to acquaint mankind with its Creator and help the believer to establish a relationship with Allah-SWT whereby he refuses to submit to anyone save Him-SWT . To convey its Barakah to the people is the task assigned to Allah-SWT's Prophet-SW. Although the Quran carries all excellences yet it is the Holy Prophet-SW ‘s job to covey its contents to mankind, forewarning the people of the perils that lie ahead, and to educate them about the acts which please Allah-SWT .
Book without Prophet-AS is not Beneficial
Hence it is evident that a Book without the Messenger-AS cannot benefit people. All those who endeavour to interpret the Quran according to their own whims considering themselves to be experts, have certainly strayed. The Holy Prophet-SW is also assigned the task of inviting people to seek His-SWT Forgiveness over their past follies and to inculcate a feeling of abstinence from insubordination in future. Repentance stands for a verbal expression backed by practical reformation of conduct. Undoubtedly, peace and tranquility in both worlds lie in seeking Allah-SWT ’s Mercy and Forgiveness. To err is definitely human and when sin is not insisted upon, the penitent is blessed with Allah-SWT ’s Forgiveness and ample opportunity of reformation and Rizq-e-Kareem (best of provisions). It means that favourable circumstances are created which serve as a source of peace and comfort. The term Rizq-e-Kareem, according to Commentators, comprises the sources of livelihood, which impart peace and contentment throughout the life of the penitent in this ephemeral world. And death would not cause any disruption for the righteous but would rather usher them into the world of eternal rewards. In short, penitence and abstinence from sin, together with righteous conduct not only ensure a blissful life in this world but also the best of rewards in the Akhirah. The Holy Prophet-SW must warn the people of the consequences of their turning away from the Divine Message. And if they opt for sin instead of repentance, it is feared that on the Day of Judgement, they will have to face retribution. Remember that repeated indulgence in sin drives one to disbelief, which is the root cause of eternal condemnation. There is no escape for people and eventually everyone has to return to Allah-SWT . He-SWT is the Controller of everything and no one has the power to hamper the execution of His-SWT Will.
The Philosophy of Sin
O’ My-SWT Beloved-SW! Listen that these unfortunate people are hostile to you, whereas you are gracious towards them and wish them well. They try to conceal the hostility and malice, which fills their hearts, under different covers. Foolish souls! Little do they realize that nothing can be concealed from Allah-SWT , Who knows the hidden and the manifest and is well Aware of the secrets buried deep in the bosoms. Here a different philosophy of sin has been presented, where indulgence in sin is ascribed to a decline in the love for the Holy Prophet-SW. And if this condition worsens to enmity towards him, it is downright disbelief.
Wa Ma Min Daabah. As for mundane pursuits and a neglect in the obedience of Allah-SWT in the process, it is simply unfortunate. He-SWT has undertaken to provide for every living creature on the face of this earth. There exists not a single being, be it a bird or an animal; a carnivorous beast or an oceanic creature, a big animal or a small insect, which is not provided for by Him-SWT . Can it then be expected of Him-SWT to have forgotten to provide for the best of His-SWT creations? Of course, it is man who destroys himself out of foolishness, by employing illegal sources for earning a livelihood. If he does not step out of Allah-SWT's edicts he would still receive his share of provisions.
His-SWT flawless system ensures the provisions of life to each and every creature wherever it may be or whatever state it may be in. This is because Allah-SWT is the Omniscient. He-SWT knows very well about the temporary as well as permanent abodes of His-SWT creation. He-SWT is also well Aware of their needs. Indeed His-SWT Knowledge is much vaster. All these matters are recorded in the Guarded Tablet, which despite containing limitless information is no match for the Divine Knowledge. It is He-SWT , the Omnipotent, Who has created the heavens and the earth in six days. It is not as if He-SWT could not have created these in a much speedier way, but only to give sequence to all the affairs of the universe, a step imperative for human existence. Prior to the creation of the heavens and the earth His-SWT Sublime Throne was on the water with His-SWT Sovereignty and Rule well established and prevalent. He-SWT created the entire system only to judge the conduct of people-to see who excels in goodness. In other words, the actions are not judged by volume but by quality. The real trial is of the intentions, the sincerity and devotion, which motivate the actions. These states of heart are termed as Ehsan, which calls for a deeply devoted obedience and worship of Allah-SWT .
When the Holy Prophet-SW informs these people that they will be raised after death, they foolishly call it magic. Whereas magic is practised by people in pursuit of worldly gains. How can then the information pertaining to eternal life and about the measures that should be taken in time to avoid humiliation there be termed as magic? They are now enjoying a temporary respite from chastisement until death. But they are arrogant enough to comment that if they were to be doomed why it has not yet happened and why it is being withheld? Do let them know that when the appointed time comes, no one will be able to avert it. And the non believers who mock shall have to taste its horrors and endure it.