Faith is subject to that cordial relationship which a person develops with Allah-SWT . Though its roots are embedded in human nature, yet it is nurtured by the lights of Prophethood. The passion to seek Allah-SWT's Pleasure and Nearness is aroused within the heart. The human character constantly influences his conscience, so much so that certain offences bury this passion in deep layers of darkness. Such were the unfortunate people who during the noble period of the Holy Prophet-SW could not benefit a bit from his lights. A few fortunate ones though could not embrace Islam quickly for some reasons, yet were gentle enough in their conduct to retain the capacity to accept righteousness. As soon as they receive a spark in their hearts they are blessed with enlightenment and guidance after which they see the Signs of Allah-SWT ’ s Greatness in each and every particle with open eyes. In the absence of this guidance, all the evidences serve no purpose except a conclusive argument. This Ayah alludes that the people who fail to receive guidance from the teachings of the Holy Prophet-SW and his-SW very presence, are those whose hearts are no longer alive. As a result they have lost the capacity to develop any relationship with Allah-SWT . Even if the angels-AS are sent unto such people to converse with them, or the dead are quickened to tell them the experiences in Barzakh, or the unseen of the Hereafter i.e. Paradise and Hell are brought before them, they will not believe. Allah-SWT does not force guidance on anyone unless there is a yearning deep in the heart, which they have buried under the heaps of sin, thus no evidence, no matter how great, can be of any avail to them. They are so utterly ignorant that they fail to understand the basic truth.
Manifestation of Wonderful Events by Heretics
Generally the Satans, whether from amongst the Jinn or humans, harbour enmity towards the Prophet-AS’s, the basic reason being their Satanic wickedness. Even when they talk among themselves they try to cheat and deceive one another. Although Satan was only one yet those who obeyed him whether from amongst the Jinn or humans, are also termed as Satan as they too develop the same Satanic qualities and shall share the punishment with him. Moreover, it is established here that Satans communicate with one another. It is thus easy to understand how people who violate Shari'ah, demonstrate supernatural acts. Obviously the Satan will help them as much as possible. This is the secret behind magic, sorcery and incantations. For example, if a person is touched by Satan and is afflicted in some way, he shall be guided to a person for treatment who himself is an agent of the Satan. This agent either recites some ungodly words and blows on the patient, or counsels him to perform an act of innovation or a paganist ritual. The Satan will then withdraw from the victim and thus the reputation of the witch doctor will be established as a person capable of doing wonders. However, if anyone seeks a genuine healing through blowing, it is proved from Sunnah but it must be within the limits of Shari'ah, otherwise one should not indulge in absurdities.
If Allaah-SWT wanted to ban the activities of these Satans He-SWT is all Powerful, but this is a trial for them. Therefore, O' Prophet-SW! Do not worry for this misguided folk nor attach any importance to their actions. People whose hearts are void of faith in the Hereafter will appreciate and listen to their lies and fabrications. Their inner feelings dictate such conduct, so leave them alone. The path which they have opted for will one day lead them to their doom.
Quran a Living Miracle
Allah-SWT tells the Holy Prophet-SW to let them know, that their refusal to accept his-SW Prophethood means nothing, as Allaah-SWT ’s Book, which explains each and every matter in detail, has corroborated his stand. A person, who is unlettered, has never availed the company of poets or men of letters, suddenly produces a work of literature of unprecedented beauty which not only discusses matters pertaining to this worldly life, but also the events before and after it, and has an answer to every human problem. All the top class writers of the world find themselves dumb founded against its eloquence. Isn't this a very great miracle and a conclusive verdict in favour of his Prophethood? And know that the People of the Book supporting the polytheists fully understand that whatever has been revealed unto the Holy Prophet-SW is from Allah-SWT, because they too have Divine Scriptures and are well aware of their magnificence and style. And in their Books, the news of his advent with the Divine Book is clearly given, including a complete picture of his personality .Therefore, there is no room for any doubt on any aspect of the Prophethood and the validity of Allaah-SWT ’s Book. Both are established facts, clear as broad daylight. The distinguishing features of the Quran testify its authenticity and its grandeur.
Firstly, it is a Divine Scripture perfect and complete. For a relationship with the Creator, which path is to be adopted in life, what are its ups and downs and how can these be best negotiated, is such a big question that no human being can possibly answer. Whereas intellectuals of very high calibre and the research scholars have dwelt at length on anyone aspect of human life and written many books, yet the question remains unanswered because the conclusions drawn are merely human conjectures, which prove wrong with the passage of time and the succeeding philosophers and thinkers change them. It is the peculiarity of Allaah-SWT ’s Book that it highlights not one aspect but the entire human life, its needs and the most desirable way of fulfilling them as approved by Allaah-SWT . In it is the key to success of human life and its injunctions require no amendment or change.
Secondly, it also reviews the history of the world, including the conduct of various nations and people, and the end results thereof. The future outcome of various beliefs and actions has also been revealed so comprehensively and accurately as to obviate the need for any more Divine Revelation, or the raising of a Prophet-AS’s. There will never be any alteration in the Quran as all that it contains is nothing but the truth, whether relating to the past or to the future. The third factor is justice, which again has two aspects. The first is fairness, that is, no deserving person be deprived of his right nor should any criminal get away with his crime. Second is the balance: that Divine Injunctions and the Code of Life should not be so harsh which the human temperament fails to tolerate, or finds great difficulty to abide by, nor should man lead a life completely ruled by his fancies.
In other words, Quran is full of wisdom, a treasure of truths and a practicable Code of Life for the entire mankind, present and future and through all Ages and times. This could have only been revealed by Allah-SWT, as it is beyond the reach of any creation. All this provides unmistakeable evidence to the genuineness of the Holy Prophet-SW. As for the baseless objections of the non believers and their lame excuses, Allaah-SWT hears all and is indeed well Aware of their actions.
These non believers as well as all those who reject Allaah-SWT ’s Revelations throughout the world would deviate anyone who accepts their views, away from Allaah-SWT ’s Path. This is because what they have are baseless assumptions and superstitions. And the rituals to which they attach religious sanctity are their own fabrications because of which they themselves are misguided. So O' Reader! Do not ever pay any heed to such a misguided majority as Allaah-SWT will decide their fate, being well Aware of their practical lives, their beliefs, as well as their thoughts. They cannot escape His-SWT Punishment. Similarly He-SWT is also well Aware of those who follow the path determined by Him-SWT and shall bless them with Mercy.
Effects of Unlawful Food
Allah-SWT has Commanded to slaughter the permissible animals in His-SWT Name. Failing this or if the animal dies a natural death it is no longer permissible. But the non believers are so unfortunate that they thrive at a false notion. They say that the Muslims eat what they kill themselves, and reject what Allaah-SWT has killed. Thus the non believers eat the forbidden or render it filthy by either offering it to or taking the name of idols at the time of slaughtering. But the Holy Prophet-SW has faith in Allaah-SWT ’s Book which spells out in no uncertain terms, the permissible and the forbidden. It also explains that in a state of fear of starvation to death, only that much intake of forbidden is permissible, which may save life. Otherwise one must not even go near the forbidden under any circumstances. This is Allaah-SWT ’s Decree and its violation may satiate a stomach but will invoke Allaah-SWT ’s Displeasure. Ignorant of this fact, the non believers, are going astray by practising their fabricated theories. However, their disobedience cannot affect the good deeds of those who obey Allah-SWT, Who is well Aware of the righteous. The quintessence of life is that Allaah-SWT ’s disobedience be renounced both outwardly or inwardly. Eating what is forbidden is a sin apparent, whereas considering something forbidden as lawful or vice versa is a sin hidden. Islam is a path of salvation, which forbids disobedience both overt and covert. The offender cannot escape the punishment he has earned and will soon face the requital.
Effects of Eating the Forbidden
A believer must never eat from a forbidden animal; not only because it will lead to ill health, which it surely will, but also to escape another more serious loss in the form of darkness of the heart. A gloomy heart easily accepts whispers of the Satan; a good example are the people who unduly dispute with the believers or the Holy Prophet-SW and bring in their own desires and rituals against the Quran. They are actually inspired by the Satan, whose whispers in their hearts they readily accept, because of the effects of unlawful food. So if the believers begin to listen to them they will end up in polytheism. Whatever these non believers say is nothing but polytheism, which indeed is obedience to others than Allaah-SWT and ultimately leads to destruction.