The Muslims had signed a treaty with the Zionist tribe named Banu Nudhir. The Holy Prophet-SW once visited them for some purpose, and they conspired to kill him-SW. He-SW was informed through revelation and he-SW returned to reprimand them for violating the treaty, and ordered them to go in exile within ten days, or face war. The hypocrites assured the Jews of their support so they refused to leave. The Holy Prophet-SW besieged their settlement and eventually they conceded to leave. He-SW permitted them to take their belongings along, except the weapons, which were confiscated. They even dismantled the doors of their houses and left for Khyber while some settled in Syria. In Hadhrat Umar-RAU's period, all the Jews were expelled towards Syria. These two expulsions are known as Hashr Awwal (The First Exile) and Hashr Thani (The Second Exile).
Islam is Never Unfair
The Surah begins by hallowing Him-SWT , that He-SWT is never unjust to any one, and that His-SWT Prophet--SW governs in accordance with His-SWT Commands. There is no way that Islam is unfair to any individual or a nation. This is because everything that exists within the heavens and the earth is an evidence of Allah-SWT's purity and sanctity, Who is All-Prevailing and Wise. And it was He-SWT Who exiled the Banu Nudhir as they had denied His-SWT Book and had gone back on their word. They were defeated despite being powerful, occupying strong forts and enjoying the support of the hypocrites.
The Holy Prophet-SW's Command is the Command of Allah-SWT
When the Holy Prophet-SW banished the Jews from Madinah, Allaah-SWT declared that it was His-SWT decree and hinted on the second exile, in a subtle manner, that they would not refrain from treason and would be expelled once again. So during Hadhrat 'Umar-RAU‘s time, they were pushed towards Syria. They were very proud of their might. The believers, despite having a staunch faith in the Holy Prophet-SW's word, felt that they had a clear edge over them in the material resources. The Jews believed that their fortresses were too sturdy and would protect them from Allah-SWT's hold. Yet they suffered a humiliating defeat beyond their imagination. When the Muslims lay siege, the hypocrites went cold feet and the Jews were petrified in their forts, to an extent that they readily agreed on an exile. The Holy Prophet-SW allowed them to take away a camel load of their possessions. They panicked and damaged their houses by breaking them with their own hands, dismantling doors, windows and other fixtures to be carried along. They had been conspiring despite the Muslims' sincere efforts and the peace treaties and did not give up intrigue so much so that they had tried to kill the Holy Prophet-SW. Nevertheless, Islam was gracious to let them leave unharmed with their belongings.
Condition for Victory
The wise can infer from this incident that victory does not depend upon material resources alone. The available means would suffice with Allah-SWT's support and victory is subject to obeying the Holy Prophet-SW and abiding by his ways. Had Allaah-SWT not decreed exile, they would have suffered the severest punishment in the world due to the gravity of their crime. The torment of Hell awaits them in the Hereafter because they opposed Allaah-SWT by opposing His Prophet-SW, and Allaah-SWT rigorously reprises such antagonists.
Station of Fanafi Allah-SWT
A few trees belonging to the Jews were also cut during the siege and others spared for the benefit of Muslims once the Jews had left. Allah-SWT declared both these actions as His-SWT own, for both the stances were adopted to please Allah-SWT, by the believers who were Fana fi Allaah-SWT (enjoying His-SWT Communion). Therefore, Allaah-SWT decreed that whether a date palm was cut down or was left over, it was by His-SWT Will.
The above spectacle was an act of Ijtehad and the difference of opinion was in good faith. Allaah-SWT endorsed both viewpoints. Therefore; none of the opinions given in Ijtehad can be termed as sinful.
The trees or crops of the non believers would not be destroyed nor their houses burnt or demolished unless necessitated by operational requirements, like if victory is being delayed or jeopardized. The object is to break the grandeur of the non believers and to impose a humiliating defeat on them.
Whatever the infidels leave behind in the form of movable or immovable property, without putting up a fight, is called Mal-e-Fe' like the Banu Nudhir here, who accepted exile without a fight. Fe literally means 'lengthening of shadows', as seen in the afternoon. Similarly when infidels leave their belongings without waging a war, it reverts to Allah-SWT , the real Owner. Therefore, Allaah-SWT has prescribed a separate method other than the one adopted for sharing the booty, which is acquired through battle, its four fifths goes to the Mujahidin after one-fifth is given to Government treasury (Bait-al-Mal). As for the property of Fe', Allaah-SWT gave it to His-SWT Prophet-SW, for no one had to fight for it. Allah-SWT, the Absolute Sovereign blessed him with dominance over the infidels. So whatever is retrieved from these abandoned settlements in fact belong to Allah-SWT , Who gifted it to His-SWT Prophet-SW. It is now upto him-SW to keep it or to give it to his-SW relatives (they were not allowed Zakat). He-SW might also like to distribute a portion thereof among the orphans, the destitutes or the way farers.
The Holy Prophet-SW, his Caliphs-RAU or a Muslim ruler have the right to distribute Mal-e-Fe' accordingly and to hold it back for national interest for Bait-al-Mal. The purpose is to prevent the circulation of wealth amongst the rich only.
Islam Opposes Concentration of Wealth
Allah-SWT specifies the shares of the rich and the poor, the Muslim as well as the infidel in the economic system of Islam. Human needs are broadly divided into (1) the natural or the basic, like the need for sun, air or rain. These are fulfilled directly by Allaah-SWT . (2) the produce of land. Mountains, jungles and natural springs are free for all to benefit from. Now in the privately owned land nothing can be produced by the farmer without the labourer. Thereafter "Usher' has been fixed for the poor and the needy. Possessions and monetary wealth which fulfill the needs of life, are protected on one hand through the right of ownership in such a way that anyone attempting to usurp it illegally is severely dealt with. On the other hand measures have been taken to stop wealth from getting concentrated in a few hands. So interest, wager and gambling have been prohibited and a system of profit sharing has been introduced. Then for the helpless and the disabled, the system of Zakat, agricultural tax, charity and expiations are enjoined. (3) the booty or Fe' and the laws governing its division have been spelled out, supreme law being the discretion of the Holy Prophet-SW. The Muslims must accept whatever he-SW permits and refrain from whatever he-SW prohibits.
Holy Prophet-SW's Orders must be Executed like the Quranic Injunctions
A golden rule which eliminates all conflicts is that the Holy Prophet-SW's command is indeed the Command of Allaah-SWT . The Companions-RAU practised this very rule. So nobody can interpret the Quranic Injunctions at his own choice but will have to depend on the Sayings and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet-SW . Moreover any command proved to have been given by him becomes as imperative for the believers as the Quranic Injunction. The deniers of Hadith and those who give it meagre importance better pay heed to this rule.
Refuting the Ungodly System
Although Fe' is for the needy in general, yet priority is given to those impoverished immigrant, who had been deprived of their homes and possessions merely because in pursuit of Allah-SWT's Pleasure they refused to accept the ungodly system. For their passion to practise Allah-SWT's Din they were forced to migrate from their native land. They endured all hardships to be the supporters of Allah-SWT's Messenger-SW and are indeed the truthful in this world.
One who Questions the Companions’-RAU Dignity is an Infidel
Once the Quran testified to their truthfulness, anyone who blasphemes the Companions-RAU or doubts their integrity and trustworthiness or accuses them would be repudiating the Quran. According to Commentators, the Companions-RAU are so exalted that even the Holy Prophet-SW used to refer them in his prayers as a source of acceptance.
The Virtues of Ansar
Ansar, the locals of Madinah, were devout in faith. They proved their affection for the Muhajirin by sharing with them their homes and their possessions. Whenever a boon was bestowed upon the latter, they never felt jealous. That the Muhajirin reciprocated these favours after the conquests and the subsequent prosperity, is a fact of history. The love was mutual and their hearts were free of grudges. The Ansar were so virtuous that they sacrificed to fulfill others' needs even when they were needy themselves. As a reward, Allaah-SWT purged their hearts of greed, and anyone so blessed succeeds both here as well as in the Akhirah.
The Three Classes of Ummah
Those who followed them include them in their prayers adding that Allaah-SWT may spare them of harbouring any doubts against their exalted predecessors. When Hadhrat 'Umar-RAU conquered vast and distant lands instead of distribution he gave these under the control of Bait-al-Mal, so that the Muslim Government may enjoy economic stability and the following generations may also avail the benefits of a welfare state. And it is established that the 'Ummah comprises three groups. They are (1) the Muhajirin (2) the Ansar and (3) the rest of the Muslims succeeding in time till the Day of Judgment, whose hearts would be filled with the love and respect for the first two classes. Qartabi (a renowned Muslim scholar) asserts with reference to this Ayah that the love of Companions-RAU is mandatory. Imam Malik declares that someone who doubts the righteousness of Companions-RAU is not eligible to share in Mal-e-Fe', which implies that his faith is questionable.
The Distinction of Madinah
Together with the Ansar, Imam Malik-RUA asserts that Madinah is the only city conquered solely by the power of faith. All others including Makkah were taken through Jihad.