Similar is the case of Prophet Nuh-AS who, after unending distress and denial, prayed to Allaah-SWT and the infidels were duly destroyed. The Deluge savaged everything, save the Prophet-AS and his followers who escaped unhurt. They were forever spared the persecution and the infidels met their ultimate end Allaah-SWT avenged them for denying His-SWT Revelations and disobeying His-SWT Prophet, for they were indeed evil people. And when they crossed the limits in disobedience to Allaah-SWT and in defiance of His-SWT Prophet-AS, He promptly drove them to obscurity.
Obedience to Prophets-AS begets Eternal as well as Worldly Benefits
The Holy Prophet-SW may also recount the events of Prophets Daud-AS and Sulaiman-AS. Hostility to a Prophet-AS invites trouble while his obedience brings forth both eternal as well as worldly benefits. This is evident from Prophet Daud-AS judgement in case where a person's herd of sheep pastured in the tillage of another person. Allaah-SWT was a witness to that judgement and the decision taken was right, yet He-SWT inspired a better option to Prophet Sulaiman-AS, which also offered both parties some worldly benefits. According to Commentators, the grazing caused loss equal to the value of the sheep. Prophet Daud-AS, had decided that the sheep be handed over to the owner of the field as compensation. The decision being equitable, both parties accepted it. But when Allaah-SWT inspired to Prophet Sulaiman-AS, he spoke to his father that though the decision was correct, yet it could be improved. The sheep be handed over to the owner of the field to benefit from while the field be given to the owner of the sheep who may work hard and cultivate it until it is restored to its original condition, and was green once again. When this was achieved, the owner of the field should take it back and return the sheep to the original owner. This was to the benefit of both the parties, who promptly agreed and the matter was amicably settled.
Is it Correct to Change Decision and Entertain an Appeal
It has been discussed at length in Commentaries of the Quran whether the original decision was incorrect or if it was correct why was it changed? In fad both decisions were right, the first as a legal verdict, and the second a sort of mutual agreement. Islam prefers agreements based on mutual consent. However, if any side does not agree the legal verdict would prevail. According to Hadhrat ‘Umar-RAU, in a legal verdict one of the parties is subdued and is not happy within, whereas in an agreement based on mutual consent the hearts are cleared. He also adds that if after taking the decision a Muslim judge perceives a better option, he is permitted to change it. In other words, a review is permissible, after due scrutiny by him as well as by a higher court. Both the decisions taken by the Prophet-AS were correct. And Allaah-SWT declares that He-SWT had blessed both with judgement, knowledge, kingdom and Prophethood.
Zikr and it Auspiciousness
Allaah-SWT so blessed Prophet Daud-AS that the mountains and the birds used to join him in Zikr and hymning Allah-SWT ’s Praises. There is nothing to be surprised about, as Allaah-SWT is Omnipotent, and may do whatever pleases Him-SWT . If it is assumed that this Zikr is natural, it would not be worth a mention with reference to Prophet Daud-AS as everything is constantly remembering and praising Allaah-SWT . So it implies a verbal expression here. Some of the Aulia–RUA are also so gifted because of conformity to Allah-SWT ’s Prophet whereby mountains, rocks and trees converse with them. Accounts of medicinal experts are on record who would ascertain from the herbs about their properties. The Barakah of Zikr are beyond measure. And the Prophets,--AS are also treasures of the knowledge of physical sciences, taught to them by Allaah-SWT .
Industry and Islam
Allah-SWT taught Prophet Daud-AS the art of making armour, which provided excellent protection to soldiers during war. So O People! Never fail to thank Allah-SWT for these bounties. Not only it is imperative to acquire technology, being a great Divine Blessing, but it must also be done to the maximum and Allah-SWT must be thanked for it. One must learn physical sciences simultaneously with the knowledge of Islam.
And Allaah-SWT gave Prophet Sulaiman-AS authority over the winds, which blew by his command, and would carry him within his kingdom and across to the blessed land. Allaah-SWT is fully Aware of everything. According to the Commentators, Prophet Sulaiman-AS would make seating arrangements on a large throne, which would be carried by the wind, along with his courtiers to far off destinations, covering month long distances in hours. It was a Divine Favour that human intellect finally succeeded in inventing aircraft carrying so many people at great speed. The Holy Prophet-SW is reported to have said that knowledge is a believer’s lost-property which he must get hold of wherever he finds it.
Jinn do exist and a Wali may Enjoy Control over them as Karamah
Allah-SWT also blessed Prophet Sulaiman-AS with authority over the jinn and they served and obeyed him. Some would draw pearls from the oceans while others performed different tasks for him. Jinn exist as Allah-SWT ’s terrestrial creation and are obliged to believe. Those who disbelieve, follow Iblis and are called Satan, were also under his command whereas the believers in any case take it as an honour to be obedient. Allaah-SWT may grant a Wali authority over jinn as a Karamah, without any customary efforts like that of the witchdoctors.
The story of Prophet Ayub-AS is also foil of such wonders. When his sickness aggravated, he prayed: ‘O my Rabb-SWT ! Indeed I am in distress, and You-SWT are the Most Merciful’. Allaah-SWT accepted his prayer and not only alleviated his suffering but also restored his affluence and family, twice as much he had enjoyed once before the trial. He was taken ill and had developed a painful abscess over the entire body. Left only with his wife named Liya bint Minsha bin Yusuf, the grand-daughter of Prophet Yusuf-AS, he was expelled from the city, yet he offered his gratitude to Allaah-SWT . In answer to his prayer he was told to stamp his foot on the soil and Allaah-SWT let a spring gush forth. He took bath in it and was completely cured. Allaah-SWT blessed him with affluence and family once again, may be by preserving his old family like Prophet 'Uzair-AS, or with a new one He-SWT is all Powerful and nothing is impossible for Him-SWT .
These accounts serve as a great admonition for those who worship Allaah-SWT Similarly Prophets Isma'il-AS, Idris-AS and Zulkifil-AS were all men of mighty perseverance.
Practicing Din is Always by Hardships
The path of practising Din always passes through hardships. Faith in Allaah-SWT demands patience and gratitude. Only then He relents and changes hardships into convenience. All the Prophets-AS were blessed with His-SWT Mercy as they were all righteous personages.
Story of Prophet Yunus-AS
Equally strange is the account of Prophet Yunus-AS who had departed from his nation in anger, without expecting any reproof for his action. But he was soon driven into darkness wherefrom he called out: "O' Allah-SWT ! You are the One and the only Sovereign Ruler, free of flaws. Of course, I am at fault. This story again endorses the same point, that disobedience always draws punishment while salvation lies on the path of repentance and obedience. The Commentators have discussed this story in great detail. However many versions of Jewish origin have made their way into it which cannot be relied upon.
In the light of Quran and Hadith, Prophet Yunus-AS was sent unto the people of Ninevah in Mosel. In-spite of his unrelenting efforts they refused to believe. Allaah-SWT informed him of the portent doom and he, in turn, told his nation that they would be seized by a visitation within three days. He was annoyed by the indifferent attitude of his people because none of them had accepted his message. "He departed in anger'' means that he was angry for the sake of Allaah-SWT and he left in that stare. Although the doom was promised by Allah-SWT, yet the door to repentance had not been closed and it was not proper for a Prophet-AS to leave until permitted through a revelation. His decision to leave was based on his personal Ijtehad, which though not misplaced yet it was preferable for him to wan for the revelation. He had thought his decision would not cause any reproof but after he had left his nation repented. Once they discovered that the Prophet-AS was missing and some ominous signs of the doom had appeared, they began to wail and pray to Allaah-SWT . They ran out of the city, mothers stopped feeding their infants, animals separated from their off springs, elders prayed humbly, children cried for milk and animals also whimpered. Thus Allaah-SWT accepted their repentance and revoked the doom.
On the other end, Prophet Yunus-AS walked up to the river and boarded a boat which stopped in middle of the river. The boatmen thought that probably there was a runaway slave on board. The Prophet-AS realized his mistake and declared that it was him, and that he be thrown into the river. But they did not agree and decided to draw lots, only to discover his name come out in the draw. So he was lowered into the river where a fish promptly swallowed him. However, no harm came to him and fully in his senses, he continuously remembered Allaah-SWT . He prayed to the Most Praiseworthy, and confessed his mistake Allaah-SWT accepted his prayer and delivered him from his ordeal. The fish threw him up on the river bank, and he was restored to normal life. In this way, Allaah-SWT delivers every believer, accepts his prayer and guides him to safety.
Somewhat similar is in the story of Prophet Zakariyya-AS. He called out to his Rabb-SWT not to leave him alone in this world and to bless him with an heir. Allaah-SWT indeed is the best of heirs, for the progeny too would leave the world one day. However, he wished that his child should rightfully be his replacement to serve Allah-SWT's Din after him, for the legacy of Prophets-ASS is the knowledge of Din. His prayer was answered and he was blessed with an illustrious son, Prophet Yahya-AS, a true heir to him from a wife who was otherwise sterile. This was because Prophet Zakariyya-AS was quick at piety and virtue, would never defer a good deed, remembered Allaah-SWT under all circumstances, in weal or woe, and was fully cognizant of his own humility before Him-SWT .
Then is the example of Hadhrat Maryam-AS who safeguarded her chastity and did not mix up with a male even through the permissible means of Nikkah. And Allaah-SWT inspired His-SWT Spirit unto her, commanded Angel Jibril-AS to blow at her, which indeed was a Divine Act. She was blessed with son without a husband, and Allaah-SWT made both of them a symbol of His-SWT Magnificence for the world.
Is Celibacy Auspicious?
In both Hadhrat Maryam-AS and Prophet Yahya-AS’s cases, the restraint from sex has been praised. The Quran terms Prophet Yahya-AS as Hasooran, which means to refrain from the opposite sex. Apparently celibacy is appreciated here. Had it been so the Holy Prophet-SW would have certainly practised it. But he not only himself got married but declaring Nikkah as an important Sunnah of his also strongly advocated it. However, in a situation where one cannot get married, to live piously in an honourable way is certainly commendable. Besides, there is a special aspect of marriage and sexual relationship. If there is anything in the world that can absorb a person to the maximum, it is the act of copulation. These very moments even affect the concentration of a person otherwise enjoying communion with Allah-SWT . So a person who never indulged in it would certainly relish uninterrupted attention towards Him-SWT .
It is on record that the Holy Prophet-SW on the eve of burial of his son, asked for two persons to help, who had not copulated with their wives the night before, which is otherwise permissible being the right of the spouses. Yet the one who kept away must have remained more attentive towards Allaah-SWT and that explains the preference of the Holy Prophet-SW. Allah-SWT, of course, knows the best! It is, however, correct that a Muslim must get married. Especially nowadays if one can afford, he must take two, three or four wives to counter the prevailing influences of the infidels whereby a second marriage is looked down upon.
So O' People! All the aforementioned Prophets-AS in whom you also claim to believe are one group. The Jews and the Christians asides, even the polytheists of Makkah claimed to be the followers of Prophet Ibrahim-AS's religion. All of them preached the same beliefs with regard to Allah-SWT, His-SWT Attributes, the Akhirah, the Day of Reckoning, the Requital and the Angels. And especially they declared that the very aim of their raising and of their lives was to establish the Unity of Allaah-SWT as well as the fact that He-SWT Alone was worthy of worship. So O’ People! I-SWT am your only Rabb-SWT , so worship Me-SWT . Nevertheless, people still become slaves of their desires and are divided despite reading the same Books. They have invented religions and factions to serve their own ends. But they must remember that it cannot go on forever as eventually everyone will have to return and stand before Him-SWT .